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"Hi, may I ask what happened here? And where did the ambulance bring the victim?" he politely asks.

"The 10-wheeler truck has hit a drunk man who is crossing the street. The man was in the SHN Hospital." A policeman said.

"Thank you, Sir." Beomgyu immediately left, riding a taxi to go to the said hospital.

He once met Taehyun's brother at his birthday party last year. He has a good impression of Kang Taemin, who looks angelic. Taehyun and his brother came from a wealthy family, but they were both admired for being such a great person, too good for an aristocratic family like them. He was worried, especially about Taehyun's reaction to what happened to his brother.

He immediately ran inside the emergency room, and he stopped when he saw a familiar person. A pale-looking Taehyun, who is in a crying mess, talked to the doctor who just came out from the emergency room.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kang, we did our best, but the patient is already dead. He lost a lot of blood, and his internal organs are too damaged." The doctor tapped Taehyun's shoulder. He bowed before he left to go to other patients.

Beomgyu immediately followed Taehyun, who ran inside the room to see his dead brother.

"Hyung? Stop pretending to be asleep and wake up." Taehyun weakly said, tapping his brother's cold cheek.

"Hyungie? Taemin-hyung? No! Please don't leave me!" Taehyun cried, and he can't accept that his brother is already dead.

Beomgyu caught him when he collapsed. Taehyun is still holding his brother's hand tightly, leaning his forehead into the cold hand of his brother. Beomgyu's left arm is wrapped in Taehyun's back to support his weight.

The room is filled with Taehyun's cries, who is kneeling on the floor with Beomgyu. Someone arrived in the room, and Taehyun is too broken to notice the man who just arrived. Beomgyu saw Yeonjun, who is wearing his all-black outfit. Yeonjun stands on the side of the Taehyun's brother, muttering some words that Beomgyu can't decipher. Then, Yeonjun looked straight into Beomgyu's eyes.

"Every pure evil act comes at a price. In Kang Taemin's case, his life." Yeonjun muttered without any sympathy in his eyes.

Beomgyu became confused for a while, and he tries to look into Yeonjun's eyes to convey his expression of being confused. However, Yeonjun just shakes his head, turning his back to leave. Beomgyu doesn't want to leave Taehyun in that state, so he decided not to follow Yeonjun anymore.

He was snapped out of his thought when Taehyun cried on Beomgyu's chest. He decided to hug Taehyun to make him feel the company that he needed. "I'm sorry for your loss, Taehyun".

Beomgyu knows how it feels like to lose a family member. He closes his eyes, feeling hurt as he hears Taehyun's cries of grief. He remains on his side until Taehyun's parents arrived.

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