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I rely to your promises, That you'll back no matter what..

I waited for you for almost 10 years.. I almost let go ..but you came , I'm happy with that , really happy . But my happiness quickly vanished and my heart ache when our eyes meet, Something's about you already Changed, Can't you remember me? Do you know me? .

It's hurt down to my core , to the point that I need to pretend that there's no promises.. that you didn't promised.. that I didn't know you.. that we never met... to ease the pain that you caused.

But who's I'm fooling, I know to my self that I'm still hoping .. hoping that someday you'll remember me.. that someday.. you'll love me the way I love you

-Jexter Ace Valdez


know I'm looking for something... For someone. I didn't remember anything. I live  my life thought that I know everything about me. But I was wrong.

I forget the most beautiful memories

He's been holding pain and I was oblivious of it. I've been hurting him without knowing it. He only wants to remembered. That's he only want . Kaya bakit ko yun itatanggi.

But I'm scared , thinking that he don't want me anymore In his life pains me the most.

But playful destiny wants to play....
He's the creator of the game and Jexter and I are the player.

He give me the rule of being babysitter , and Jexter Is the Cold prince of mine.

And our story BEGUN

-Xeirra Zein Santiago




This story is work of fiction names , characters, business,places, events and incidents are either product of author's imagination or used fictious manner. Any resemblance actuals persons living or dead , or actually events is purely coincidental

hope you'll have a great time reading my first ever story here in wattpad , dahil nga ito ang una kong story so expect cliche scenes (well there's nothing wrong with it thoughts), grammatical error, and wrong grammer. anyway , hope you'll enjoy reading!<3

Date started : August, 2021
Date finished :  March, 2022

All right reserved 2021

GENRE: Romance Comedy



AN: pangunahan ko na ang ang magsasabi na OA at CLICHÉ tong story ko. alam ko po yun dahil ako mismo na Ci-cringe. Sorry kaagad kasi 13 years old lang ako ng Sinulat ko to eh HAHA

Babysitting the cold prince [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon