Episode 10: Relaxation

Comenzar desde el principio

Shido: You want to hold Origami's hand?

Hiroto: Origami is outstanding! It's only natural to think so! However, I'd rather have my girlfriend hold, date and kiss me in reality..

Hiroto held his phone obsessively and his virtual girlfriend was waving her hand on the screen.

Shido (Internally): (Well, I was wrong thinking that he had any funny ideas about Origami.)

Hiroto goes to enjoy the beach. After he went away, Akio went out to stretch out his legs, arms and back. Shido notices that he still has a shirt on.

Shido: Hey, why do you still have the shirt on still?

Akio: Well, I don't want to be a showoff and I don't want to necessarily get sunburned.

Shido: Ah. I get that. I also don't want to get sunburned.

Origami: Understood. You don't need to worry.

Origami has a rare faint smile on her face.

Shido: Uh, What do you mean?

Origami gets the sunscreen

Origami: Leave everything to me.

Shido: Wait, leave everything to you? I'm still not understanding.

Origami: It's okay. Let me help you apply sunscreen lotion.

Shido: Uh..

Origami: Judging from what you said, you don't want to get a tan, Shido? I like you regardless of skin color, but I can help you apply sunscreen lotion.

Shido: Uh.. It's okay to apply sunscreen lotion but I didn't mean that..

Tohka comes to see what was going on with the tent and sees all 3 of them.

Tohka: Hey Shido, what are you doing?

Shido: Uh.. nothing!

Tohka: Is that so? Then come play in the water with me!

Origami: No. Shido is afraid of the sun so I'll help him apply sunscreen lotion.

Tohka: Sunscreen lotion? What's that?

Origami: Oh right, A Spirit knows nothing about skin care..

Tohka: What do you mean?!

Shido: Hey don't quarrel please! Sunscreen lotion is a skin care product that prevents sunburn.

Origami: Incorrect, he lied to you.

Shido/Akio: Huh?

Origami: Sunscreen lotion is a military-grade protective equipment that takes effect under the influence of the sun.

Tohka: Military equipment?

Origami: That's right, it automatically forms a protective coating that effectively prevents Spirit's attack but if it's used on Spirit's, it will destroy their Spirit Power and weaken their protection, which means they can be defeated by the AST easily.

Tohka: What? You're bluffing! I'd rather believe Shido!

Origami: No, he said that to pull you off guard. The point is to apply it to you so he can attack you from behind.

Tohka: No he won't. Shido wouldn't do that right?

Origami pinches her nose to try and match Shido's tone.

Origami?: Yes. Like Origami said, I've been looking for a chance to kill you.

Tohka: Ah! Really?!

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