Chapter 4: The council cuatl

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Itza, Vierentria

The great temple

1000 hours

The great temple and the capital building of all lizardmen were. this is the same place where the council of cuatl resides are, and their chamber was known. this temple was build in the early days of the lizardmen, as it marks their civilization's birth. with Pepe guidances of the lizardmen, to build an enormous temple, that takes many and many years to accomplish the construction of it, due to primitive tools and methods.

Many gators work on constructing this huge structure, as they are the one who transports materials for construction, with their own heavy lifting strength. as the skink and chameleon do help them, as some also do oversee the construction as order. yet to make things quicker the saurians have to involve in the job to construct this big structure, as it was going to be the main government building and also a temple.

This temple is one piece of wonders on Vierentria. that foreigners have a rare chance to visit such building. this temple is also a symbol to Pepe, as outside of their temple entrances, there is plenty of frog totem or statue that are lying, and a huge fountain with a shape of frog spitting water from its mouth making it a sort of water fountain. this place is decorated with jungle plants, that have been planted on the pots along with the atheistic too. just like many other temples of Pepe across Vierentria, are mostly decorated, along with frog statue which is different and foreign design, then others have made its presence across Vierentria just for the lizardmen reminded them of their only god who founded their civilization.

Lord Kraqakot and what's left of his survivor decided to enter the temple, as they are about to meet the council of cuatl in their chamber. it is yet a day he will have to report his finding to the council and warn them what is going on, as this strange anomaly had come and wrecked his city, as Kraqakot have to convince the council as best as he could with a witness. but since the witness who knows more is Ekzorirz, he told the rest to stay outside or could stay in the resting area, as there is a huge place for them there to rest, till the testimony has been done.

The council of cuatl is headed with the wisest, with leadership experiences and oldest cuatl lord and ladies, and it is the main body of government of the lizardmen of them all, located on the great capital temple city named Itza. they were known to be the cuatl who has the most powerful magic and they are not easy to be killed then a regular cuatl.

Ekzorirz and Kraqakot both walk toward the temple. with other lizardmen on their way looking at them. along with it, the temple is guarded with many saurian temple guards. along with rancordon, with its skink handlers, that act as a sort of guard dog on the temple entrances, this place is sure to be heavily guarded.

This testimony session has about to begin. as they begin to approach the council of cuatl. all of the cuatl on the council is on their floating chair. with 5 of them that are appeared. along with it, there is many saurian that are guarding them, most of them are temple guards and also gators on their side. below here are their names.

Lord Xaxdimoati

Lord Kazqazothuic

Lord Naxmomuatui

Lady Karmaruathua

Lady Zlaimi

They are all at their table and await their new guest testimony and report that person is about to talk of. as guards got a report that there is a cuatl from the city of Quetzla comes to the city of Itza, in order to talk with the council of cuatl, of urgent news. but the council needs to take a rest first since this is just way too early for the meeting to start since Kraqakot and his army arrived at 8:00 AM, which is way early for the council to be active.

Gate: thus the lizards come thereDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora