Chapter 1: Where it all comes

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Alnus Hill, Falmart

Imperial Calendar 618

It is a new day for the glorious Saderan Empire, that all forces are ready yet. the total army of the Saderan Empire is around, with the gate has opened on the Holy Alnus Hill, he planned on expanding his Empire into this new world. a grand force of 100k legionaries along with 50k auxiliaries made up of goblins, orcs, warrior bunnies, elves, and dark elves. and a member of 200 wyvern corps. they were unstoppable, and now they had a job to spread their Emperors influences to the barbarians on the other side of the Gate.

Before the gate is opened at Alnus Hill, a message was sent by the gods to the Emperor, as an opportunity that a new world beyond the gate has been opened. the Emperor begins, to amass his army, as it took such a long time for the army to be rallied and send into Alnus Hill. with the Emperor and his family is present there too. along with some Rondel, mages begin to make their presence there as an advisor and support for the army. This was all being influenced by Hardy as she told the Emperor that he should gather his army at Alnus Hill at the exact time.

The gods told Emperor Molt of the time the gate will be opened at Alnus Hill, is due to the Empire have no more land to invade in Falmart. the gods have promised that the world that is beyond the gate has more wealth and slaves awaits for the Empire, a land of greatness that awaits and the Empire ready to expand their dominion there. despite this it is unknown why their intention is like that, maybe the gods are with the Empire.

The Saderan army that resides there, begins to build a sort of encampment or a base of operation. after the base is set, the gate is there opened. a handful of elven scouts from high and dark elves are ordered to go there, to scout what lies in the world. along with collecting any intel about it, and many more information, as they are swift and fast.

 On the Emperor side, Off to his left stood his Sons, prince Zorzal El Ceaser and Diabo El Ceaser. And to his right were his daughter, Pina Co Lada, and her order of Rose Knights. They all stood proudly as their father gave before he gave the speech to the rest of the army before they all begin their conquest of the world beyond the gate itself.

It is known that the Entirety of the Imperial army is around 700k fighting forces. which is considered to be huge, at Falmart. as they are known to be the only dominant power in Falmart. as they rule a huge chunk of territory, with many vassal kingdoms are in their control, as those vassal kingdoms have fewer armies than them.

"I must say father, this seems a bit much for a simple conquest on a demihuman tribe," Pina said in concern as the number of armies was send was outnumbered the army of the barbarian tribe.

"Nonsense, they will learn our true might so that they never cross us, or do you want to repeat the vassal rebellion?" Zorzal said proudly,  as in the past the vassal used to rebel and pay the price for their treachery in the end.

Grey Co Aldo, her trusted mentor begins to appear to her and said, "Worry not Princess, they will stay in the line or else."

Zorzal Chimed again, only this time with information brought back from the elf scouts that have recently been sending two days ago. "And from what our scouts reported, the nation we are invading is a huge continent, with a few armies. there are some varieties of strange blue scaly demihumans, with clubs and spears, along with circle shields without wearing armor at all. finally, they have brought back their banner, which they say is in the city garden." the flag is rather foreign in the eyes of the Saderan.

"However these strange demihumans possess such wealth, as our scouts reported they have a huge structure that stores a huge vast of golds there and it was guarded by another of those blue skin scaly demihuman with a strange-looking spear with black color in it. they manage to steal one of their golds inside their so-called temple." Grey said, as he holds a lizardmen's gold coin, that the scout manages to steal in the temple.

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