Chapter 8: The main camp

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Imperial leadership campsite

1750 hours

For Legate Tiberius, the conquest seems to be progressing even further, despite casualties. as they manage to conquer some of the city, as the Saderan fight as many of those naked scaly blue skin demihumans, with their strange beast that is far foreign in their eyes, that the otherworlder demihumans used against them. there are just many of those scaly blue skin demihumans that are on their path with their strange beast, as they have also proven again, that they are far more efficient in combat, as they claim more legionaries life, before being drowned in sheer numbers. these scaly demihumans mostly have given them some tough fight, as the first phase, cost them 22k losses.

Him and his group of imperial nobility, seem to be tired, after slaying those savage scaly barbarian that fights on their way with strange clubs and also spears, along with it, they have ranged weapon that only fired from being blown, instead of using hands to shoot it. that was one hell of a battle, as they slay more than one in their way, this conquest at first glance thought to be easy, but now it just getting whole more different.

The mages have taken care of some of them with their magic users. much of the mages that use to witness them and also legionaries too, it seems like their magic looks more foreign and, the Saderan also ordered the capturing of skink mage, or any magic user that the lizardmen have, along with finding any magic studies that the lizardmen have to offer, despite their language seems to be hard to understand either by their standard, but the mages from Rondel might take their time to study the magic of the lizardmen.

Those flying reptiles, do almost match the strength of the wyvern, as the concerns come from the growing casualties of the wyverns. as per current events are. as recent news also brought that since they have that the total casualties of wyvern corps are around 57 out of 200, which will keep on growing, as many more cities that they managed to conquer on, casualties like this has been put on such a concern by legate Septimius.

The worst scenario they managed to get from the report of surviving legionaries and mages, along with other forces they have, is that the more they descend deeper, and almost reach their main capital temple cities. the worst of their performances were on the battlefield, as there are many unwanted traps and wildlife that want to eat them or want them dead, as they are not welcome in this world, even the local wildlife attack them on a sigh. the wildlife is other things as there are many big monsters that roam, along with dangerous types of small but deadly animals that lurk in the swamps and dense jungle trees.

After many months of fighting and pushing forward to the other city. finally, the imperial army have made it this far. now they are just getting near to the otherworlder demihuman capital city, as they manage to secure these cities and loot them. despite the whole disaster that they have, and not familiar with this new environment either.

But there seems to be an issue, as the savage demihuman, have used their cowardly tactic and weapon now, that is one that attracts the attention of surviving legionaries, who get caught with it. which is gunpowder weapons. a musket and a pistol, from a dead skink, along with its ammo of musket ball was taken from fallen skinks and chameleon. this weapon is strange to their eyes, as they never saw a stick that spits awful magic and kills the toughest and armored warrior from afar accurately at its aim.

The weapon was picked up by the mage, and yet they seem to be needing more of these, as the weapon seems to be revolutionary and strange, as it spews strange magic, unlike the magic, that those demihumans used to spew at their legions. these demihumans have descent into the cowardly tactic, the more the Saderan make their presence further and further, the more the city they managed to conquer, the more this conquest seems to be progressing but with a price. they used dirty tactics of traps and guerilla warfare, along with using their environment to their advantage they are now having no honor and bravery to face them like a warrior, just like previously they did face them with such bravery of not surrendering and fight them face to face in melee combat, which is what they knew in the early phase of the conquest.

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