The Future (A/N)

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So this completes the Solar Guardians: Meet Us! Book...and I do want to thank all for this opportunity. But tbh I have been feeling a bit depressed lately and for that I lost passion. I was trying my hardest for this book and my Zenori book (Fixing Me) to be more popular than it is now.....
So as I now have my tablet (very old) I would like to start drawing my ocs, but in my own style. But also with some input from y'all of which style I should craft into my own (shown below). I've been so deep into Webtoon recently so with that, I would like to make my own. So please give me some advice and suggestions. I'm sorry if the way I've been acting for this book towards you guys (especially those that haven't really showed their support for me by sending a bunch of messages w/o results). As you can see, I've started another Zenori book. Please look at that too & share my account as much as possible. I hope for more to come in the future, just need some help from you guys (the one's that follow me).

Here's some artwork. Comment,vote, & share!

 Comment,vote, & share!~

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💖Thanks to all💖🌺Miraki S

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💖Thanks to all💖
🌺Miraki S. Chihoki.🌺

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