⤠ " You have torn it all apart " ⤟

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" God I wish you would've thought this through before I went and fell in love with you

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" God I wish you would've thought this through before I went and fell in love with you. "


[ Two love interests will be needed for this. Choose your own path!  ANGST  :D]

Life hasn't always been smooth sailing, but you managed to pull through. You even got yourself  into a relationship with the person you've been pinning after for a while, [Love interest #1].

The relationship was so lovely, you two really loved each other no matter how much distance there could be between the two of you. [Love interest #1] would often travel with the Traveller, meaning they'd be far away sometimes– but they always made sure to send you loving letters. If they weren't with the Traveller though, they'd be helping the adventurers guild (or settling important matters in another nation). Point was, your lover was never in one place. You didn't mind this, you would sometimes travel to places yourself.

Being the kind soul you were, you wanted them to see the world and you'd give them enough space in the relationship so they wouldn't feel suffocated. But truthfully, you missed them.

The letters they sent, they weren't enough anymore. You wanted them to be around. You wanted to hold them and kiss them. It was starting to get to the point that you couldn't even remember when was the last time you two spent more than a few hours together consecutively.

Their demeanor had changed around you too. It wasn't as loving as it was before and all you could do was watch your relationship deteriorate slowly.

During your times of despair, you'd often confide in [ Love interest #2]. They were really the only ones who helped you keep yourself together. No matter how much you'd cry, vent, or drink your pains away; they were there through it all.

[ PATH I ]

One time, [ Love Interest #1 ] came back from their business only to find you and [ Love Interest #2] hugging after they comforted you from one of your breakdowns. They yelled at you claiming that you were cheating on them with [ Love Interest #2 ] behind their back.

You could only look at them in shock at their allegations. After all this pain they put you through, they dare accuse you of cheating?!

[ Love Interest #2 ] looked enraged in your behalf, quickly defending you.

"There's no way you actually said that. After all they have went through because of you!"


One lucky day, [ Love Interest #1 ] was available to spend time with you for a whole day! You were so overjoyed!

However, any attempts you made to try and be close to them like any couple should– they'd just brush you off awkwardly. It worried you, but... you were happy you finally got to see them after such a long time.

Night fall came and you were both meant to sleep in bed together like the old times. Cuddling and such! But of course, [ Love Interest #1 ] seemed to not be up for cuddling.

"I'm just so tired." They'd say. But you knew better. Something hasn't been feeling right for months now...

After they fell asleep, you slipped out of bed to get a glass of water when you noticed an envelope peaking out of your lover's coat, which had been left perched up on a coat hanger. Curious, you went to look at it, figuring it was one of the letters you've sent them. However, you were shocked to find out they've been sending and receiving letters from another person. Not for business or for friendship but... this letter was a romantic one. Reciting how happy the person was after all the things they've done together.

Your hands shook. The letter falling down onto the cold floor as your whole world seemed to be crashing down on you. You couldn't stay there anymore. Not with them in the house.

With a mind of their own, your legs took you to the only person who's been with you through all of this;  [ Love Interest #2 ].


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