↳ B. L. 🍰

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" La vie en rose~! "

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" La vie en rose~! "


ꜱᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀᴍ
( I spent 4 years taking French so I'm making the most of it with this character >:) )

「𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧」

name: Bleue Lavigne (He prefers to be called Lavigne instead of his first name)
nicknames: petit oiseau, dove
age: 19
gender: Male
sexuality: Pansexual and Asexual
occupation: Baker
love interest: Xiao / Heizou
vision: Hydro
weapon: Bow
role: DPS
constellation: Cygnus
health/mental conditions: None
region born: Fontaine

「𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 」

overall: He's a pretty cheerful and friendly fellow. He acts like a big brother even though he's probably shorter than any of the people he's met and loves to make people feel comfortable around him. He's super intelligent when it comes to business and can provide outstanding customer service for his small cake shop. In manager mode, Lavigne can be strict and sort of bossy— but he does still provide the patience that the people he works with need to grow. He's a small man with big dreams, filled with determination.
goals: Let his cake shop be known all around Teyvat!
hobbies: Painting, reading, playing the piano. He also travels a lot to advertise, providing samples to all kinds of people.
talents: He's an amazing baker and cook. He can also play the piano pretty well.
likes: Cakes, kittens and puppies, praises, sunny weather, sunflowers, classical music, libraries, horses, fancy clothing, meeting new people, and his job.
dislikes: People who don't appreciate his works, not having time to smell the roses, being belittled, when someone teases him about his height, doubts, and hilichurls.

「 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲」
❀ His family was quite poor when he was younger. They lived off selling bread and cookies to people who went through the market on the weekdays, which barely gave them enough money to survive. His mother felt horrible to bring in a child during such a hard time, Lavigne barely had anything to eat. His father would often reassure her, but she grew restless with each passing day, worried that one day they would all die of starvation.

So, to try and give his family a better life, he started to look for other jobs to do. After a long search, he found a spot at a small bakery an old lady ran. There, he worked hours upon hours, bringing in a better amount of money for his family. And, although he sometimes felt overworked, he never stopped.

Lavigne grew up and eventually started working for the old lady as well. She taught him lots of secret recipes and techniques— finding that the kid was actually developing a serious talent the longer he baked. Feeling proud, she spent most of her days teaching him everything she knew and encouraged him to try whatever new things that came into his mind. She saw him as her own child and encouraged him to even call her "Grand-maman" (grandma). Lavigne learned quick, he enjoyed what he did and was able to bring in a bigger crowd to the bakery. Business was booming with him around.

One day, the lady grew ill. She knew she wouldn't make it, so she told the boy that she would hand down the shop to his family. At first, he couldn't accept it. What about her family? Her children? The lady just smiled and looked up at the roof of her dimly lit room. She had none left. Lavigne was the closest thing she's ever had to a son... which is why she chose to pass it down to him.

He understood and sadly watched as life left her. His family was upset just as much as him... she had grown to be a valuable person to them and seeing her leave hurt.

Lavigne promised to keep the business going though, letting his dad take the lead in the business before he was an adult. Turns out the lady had to constantly fight other bakeries to keep it afloat— but as the years passed and Lavigne took his spot as owner, business had simply become a piece of cake.


( I haven't drawn him yet so I did a picrew )

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( I haven't drawn him yet so I did a picrew )

Combat Talent - Normal/Charged Attack
– Aile de vol
Normal Attack: Performs up to 6 consecutive shots with the bow
Charged Attack: Performs a more precise aimed shot with increased DMG. While aiming, water droplets will accumulate on the arrowhead before the arrow is fired. When hit, a splash will hit the opponent which could also damage another if nearby.
Plunging Attack: Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground with a water droplet splash.

❀ Combat Talent – Elemental Skill – Attention à la Vague
- Fires off 3 shots with a running wave of water towards enemies. Useful for crowd control.

❀ Combat Talent – Elemental Burst – Nage Rapide
- Fires a shot to the sky before it comes down with a huge wave of water towards enemies. (sort of like Childe's narwhal skill for his boss battle)

how he got his vision
❀ He had been handing out flyers for the new cake shop his family had opened up. Everything had been going great and Lavigne was proud of all the hard work his family put into this new business. A few people weren't happy with the new business though and swore to bring the business to ruins as quick as possible. Unfortunately, Lavigne chose to give the wrong person a flyer that day, causing him to be followed back to the place. He almost made it back home safe before he had been pushed off a bridge and into the water.

Lavigne didn't know how to swim fully yet and was struggling to float. At the time his whole life flashed before his eyes. The thought of not being able to see the place his parents worked so hard on grow, infuriated him, providing him enough determination to make it out alive. It took a lot out of him and his heart was beating a hundred miles per second— but if it wasn't for his sudden quick thinking of past swimming lessons with his dad, he would've died!

And, as he laid drenched on the sand, a hydro vision appeared next to him.

❀ The Stringless

「weapon」❀ The Stringless

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