⤠ " The world looks glorious in the snow! " ⤟

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" Quick! Light a fire! "

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" Quick! Light a fire! "


Your team has been desperately avoiding Dragonspine the moment you all found out about it. There were many treasures there though and land yet to be unexplored by the Traveler so you all HAD to go sooner or later.

During your first few minutes in Dragonspine, your team seemed to be doing fine. In fact, you were all excited about the snow. The snow was pure white and sparkly and it even made a satisfying crunch when you all walked!

But then the cold started hitting, and oh boy was it hitting harder than ever. The longer you guys spent there, the colder it got and you guys were even afraid that you'd freeze to death!

You were starting to feel weak. Your vision was blurring and your face burnt with how cold it was. Seeing this, the traveler quickly came up with an idea. They suggested lighting a fire to warm up. And, while it worked, it didn't change the fact that it was still super cold.

Suddenly, you sneezed and [ Love interest ] looked at you with worry. It seemed that you were catching a cold in this cold! ( Ahaha 🕺 )

Worried, [ Love interest ] put a hand over your forehead, feeling a fever. "We should go back to Mondstadt. You'll die out here."


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