Chapter 57: Vegenance

Start from the beginning

I gritted my teeth, giving my red-head a furious shake. "You may think me a traitor, fine. But I could not just stand by and allow a human to suffer for a misfortune that happened against her will. Yes, she's linked to Naruto. Yes, she just may be the key to his demise but taking her life will only turn you into the monster we are fighting. We cannot take human lives. We seek to protect. Not kill and destroy. You, taught us that!" I yelled out, throwing one finger forward to aim it directly towards the orange-haired male before me whose nose scrunched up by my words.

I watched as he let off a scoff, his chest heaving slightly. Even still, from my countless cries to reconsider his intentions, he remained unfazed.

He took a step forward to only proceed to take another one, his shoes clicking the ground as he walked in hopes to close the distance between us.

But I trusted no such action, especially so suddenly from him so with lightning speed, I dug into my hunter's robe, seeking for what's inside my pocket. Once I grabbed what I desired, I pulled it out of my coat's pocket and directed it towards the orange-haired male that was steadily moving towards me all the while.

I gritted my teeth, revealing a hunter's knife. "You stay back!" I yelled out as a warning for I had no desire to allow the madman to take another step towards me. I could not trust him. He hasn't even given me a reason in which I should. So my guard was up and I wasn't, letting it down.

And so, by my harsh order and action of violence, Yahiko, fortunately, halted, no longer advancing towards me. But that smirk that was now rooted on his face irked me, so I remained within my defensive stance.

Yahiko's brown eyes, filled with darkness, switched down towards the weapon within my hand and then back to me.

He tilted his head. "You're a good man, Sasori. You obey my teachings, you protect the humans, that's good, very good. But," Yahiko clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue, giving his head a slow shake of disagreement. "You're awfully unwise. You do not understand how truly dire our situation is. Naruto, the prince of sin himself, is walking these halls this very minute. He is here. He has found us. Not in a thousand years has a single demon stepped foot within our hideout but now, this day is upon us. Naruto is painting these very same walls red, spilling the blood of our people." Yahiko gave his chest a harsh slap with one hand, his eyes holding a fury that shook me. "My people!" He screamed out, his voice bouncing off of the walls and entering my ears which threatened to shatter them. I flinched upon his words but kept my knife pointed at him, never once backing down.

Yahiko eyed me with irritation, his face overrun by anger and hatred. He wasn't done with his speech and I, was ready to listen to what he had to say. I had a hidden agenda for my actions after all.

Secretly, I wanted to do all I could to stall him so the young girl could run away and get somewhere safe. The further away she's from Yahiko, the safer she is.

I pressed my lips together but said nothing, remaining quiet. Yahiko only snorted. "You speak of my actions as wicked, but I see them as a necessary evil. Leaders such as I am, have to take risks that no one else will, for the greater good. By killing one girl, I am finally bringing Naruto's long life to an end. No longer will he be able to crawl his way back onto this earth and torture the living. It's a shame, yes, that the teenage girl has to die; killing her does not bring me joy, Sasori." Yahiko's eyebrows furrowed. "I am not the monster you have painted me as. I care for the girl just as you, that is why I went out of my way to fix her, to change her feelings of love to hate for Naruto-"

"You're insane. All of you are fucking twisted." I snarled out in abhorrence, absolutely hating the words that came from Yahiko's mouth. They made me sick and honestly, I couldn't bear to listen to them anymore. Yahiko let out a sigh upon my words of revulsion. "You still refuse to listen to reason. He chuckled, "It's fine. Just as I removed you from this mission the first time, I can just as easily do it again." He spat and with that, he pulled up his fingers to only wave them towards me which signaled his followers to ascend forward, in hopes of taking me down. And in the process of seeing two men rush towards me, I completely missed the other signal Yahiko gave.

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