Chapter One

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I ran out of my house, trying to wave the school bus down. Apparently, the driver saw me, because they slowed to a stop. I got onto the bus.

"Thanks." I said to the driver.

"Sure thing, kid." The driver said.

I began making my way to the back of the bus, where my best friend, Audrey, sat waiting for me. I took a seat next to her and began to catch my breath.

"You nearly missed the bus, Beatrice. Why?" Audrey asked, turning towards me.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "I woke up late, I had to take a shower, my mom was on the couch, hung-over, and James is on yet another business trip, so I couldn't wake myself up."

Audrey sighed. "Yikes."

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

Shortly later, we arrived at school. Everyone filed out of the bus and into the school. Audrey and I walked to our lockers and put the books we didn't need away.

"Ready for English?" Audrey said as we began walking to the classroom.

"As I'll ever be." I sighed.

English wasn't my best subject. It was actually quite difficult. I had ADD and Dyslexia which didn't actually help me in most subjects. I had a B average in most of my classes, which I thought was pretty good, but my mother thought otherwise.

We arrived at the classroom and Audrey and I went to our separate desks. The teacher, Mrs. Smith, walked into the classroom with some guy trailing behind her.

"Hello, class." Mrs. Smith said stopping in front of her desk.

"Hello, Mrs. Smith." The class responded dully.

"We have a new student joining us today." Mrs. Smith said.

The guy looked up and his dark eyes began scanning the classroom. He had pale olive skin, shaggy black hair, and dark brown eyes. He wore mostly black.

"Tell us your name, dear." Mrs. Smith said turning towards the kid.

"Nico di Angelo." He said, sounding bored out of his mind.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. di Angelo. There's an open seat next to Ms. King." Mrs. Smith said, gesturing to the seat besides me.

Nico nodded and shuffled over. He took the seat next to me and Mrs. Smith began the lesson. I took notes in my notebook, just in case Mrs. Smith decided to spring a pop quiz on us like she usually does on the last day of school.

The rest of my classes went by in a flash and soon, it was lunch time. Audrey and I left our Chemistry classroom and walked to our lockers.

"Can you believe there's a new kid so close to the last day of school?" Audrey asked.

"Not really. He's in all of our classes so far, too. It's kinda creepy." I said, putting away my text books and swapping them out for the rest of my classes.

"Tell me about it." Audrey sighed.

We began to walk towards the lunchroom, talking about how excited we were for summer break, and the last day of school, tomorrow. We talked and talked until I felt an unearthly chill pass down my spine as we neared the lunchroom. I stopped walking just as Audrey did.

"Did you feel that?" I asked, whispering.

Audrey nodded.

"I swear to god if fucking slender man pops out of the corner or some shit, I will run so fast you wouldn't be able to see me." I mumbled and Audrey giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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