Character Chapter

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Hey, guys. Yeah. I know. I've been pretty useless. Just creating new stories instead of updating older ones. I'm getting there, guys. Anyway, this is the character chapter where I inform you on the characters. Here it goes.

Name: Beatrice King

Birthday: January 29th

Height: 5'4

Eyes: Emerald Green

Hair: Collar- bone length, curly, Ebony hair

Age: 15

Mortal Parent/ Step Parent: Nora King Moore and James Moore


Name: Audrey Hill

Birthday: January 31st 

Height: 5'5

Eyes: Green Blue 

Hair: Shoulder length, curly, caramel hair

Age: 15

Mortal Parent/ Step Parent: Lauren Hill


That's it. Bye!

Something About The SunshineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora