Chapter Four: Cedric's apprentice

Start from the beginning

Cedric thankfully turned her back. But here's what I don't understand. Cedric managed to do that spell with ease yet, when he was trying to turn the gargoyles into golden horses, he got the spell wrong. What's the difference between now and earlier? And then he finally revealed that he gets nervous around the king. I know he's supposed to be evil and all but I did think he was the nervous type. I've been around nervous people enough to know. But I didn't expect the royal sorcerer to be nervous.

But Sofia intends to show Roland that Cedric is a great sorcerer. Unfortunately, we had to go to dinner. So, we cleaned up and went to dinner where we met King Magnus. He brags a lot. Mostly about his kingdom. Now I don't want to be here. I don't like people who brag, especially people of high status. At the mention of his Royal sorcerer, Sofia spoke up about Cedric being just as great as his. Roland obviously didn't agree. But it was soon agreed that Cedric would put on a show for everyone the night after tomorrow.

So, we broke the news to him. He agreed it was great because this would be his first magic show for royalty. But now he'll have to perform for two kings. That isn't going to be easy when you get as nervous as he does. But, Sofia offered to help prepare for his performance if he helps her prepare for her test tomorrow since it's on the same day. Cedric agreed and I did a little magic of my own. I did one of the spells Sofia had to learn, turn rocks into rubies. I needed to practice.

The day was ready to come to an end when Sofia pointed something out to Cedric. She had just cleaned a stane from his book for the invisibility potion and revealed two more ingredients that he was missing. Sofia left and Cedric finished the potion and it worked! Now Cedric could execute the plan! While celebrating, he noticed something on the table.

It was the rubies I made that I put into a heart. Now, I didn't know if it was a friendly thing or not. But, much to my disappointment, Cedric thought Sofia did it. He didn't know I was in the same room so he didn't ask. Cedric has an upstairs area which is where I am now. 

"Look at that lovely gift Sofia left you, Cedric," Goodwyn said appearing on his shoulder, "If you steal her amulet, son, think how sad she will be. How could you do that to your new friend?"

"Oh, don't listen to him, Cedric," Winnifred said appearing on his other shoulder, "You can make this your final trick at the big show tomorrow. Use the potion to turn yourself invisible, swipe the amulet, and take over the kingdom."

"I can make up my own mind, you know," Cedric said

Winnifred and Goodwyn turned into their normal size.

"I hope you do the right thing, Cedric," Goodwyn said.

"No, no, do the wrong thing," Winnifred said, "Mommy loves you."

Cedric left as his parents waved goodbye. When I thought Cedric was far enough away, I screamed in frustration. Of course, he assumed that the rubies were Sofia's doing! That's what everyone thinks! It's annoying now! Winnifred ran up to me.

"Is everything alright, dear?" She asked.

"No! Everything isn't alright! Sofia didn't do that with the rubies! It was me! People need to stop thinking Sofia did everything. I EXIST TOO! OR DO I NOT SINCE I'M JUST THE OLDEST AND DON'T MATTER TO ANYONE?!" I yelled.

I walked away.

"Sibling rivalry?" Goodwyn asked.

"It's more than that. She's blind to my jealousy. Everyone is except Cedric. And now I do one nice thing after Sofia and he and you assume it was her! What must I do to be noticed? Nothing apparently," I said.

I left the workshop and went to bed. I shouldn't even try anymore. I'm not supposed to be here. Everyone has made that clear. But I am going to get Sofia's amulet. Then I'll get noticed. The next day, Cedric and I set up for the magic show with Sofia. Cedric said hello and mentioned the potion which would be the finally. But first, he made Sofia's rabbit, Clover appear. But it didn't impress Magnus who bragged that his sorcerer once made a whole zoo appear once.

Now he knew he had a competition, Cedric tried to make Clover fly but he said the spell wrong and made him bounce violently. He soon stopped but Cedric was very, very nervous now he made his first big mistake. So Sofia had the great idea to pour a potion on me without telling me and I turned into a lizard! NOW APPARENTLY I EXIST BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS CONCERNED ABOUT ME FOR ONCE! I HAD TO TURN INTO A LIZARD TO BE NOTICED! Cedric turned me back and mum came to check on me.

I was fine but secretly annoyed. Well, now Cedric had finally saved someone and Roland was happy about that. So, we moved onto that final trick, the potion. Which Cedric decided to use on Clover instead of himself. He later revealed that it was because Sofia and I finally helped show Roland that he wasn't as bad as they thought. When Sofia left, he asked me if I was okay which I assured him I was. Then I went to bed. I guess we both got something out of today. 

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