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Imaam Ahmad (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: I do not know of any sin after murder that is worse than zina, and he quoted as evidence the hadeeth of ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood who said: “O Messenger of Allaah, which sin is the worst?” He said, “Setting up a rival to Allaah when He is the One Who created you.” [‘Abd-Allaah] said: “Then what?” He said, “Killing your child for fear that he may eat with you.” [‘Abd-Allaah] said, “Then what?” He said, “Committing adultery with your neighbour’s wife.” And confirmation of that was revealed in the Qur’aan: 

“And those who invoke not any other ilaah (god) along with Allaah, nor kill such person as Allaah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse and whoever does this shall receive the punishment”
[al-Furqaan 25:68] 


It was a beautiful Thursday morning, a working day but Kamal was still in the comfort of his sheets. Was it even comfortable? He was feeling sick and some beads of sweat had formed on his forehead. He was feeling feverish. He had not made any attempt to get ready for work since he came back from the masjid after subh. He had tried to sleep but the insomnia he had since last night was still persisting. The image of what he saw last night was still vivid and the sound of her voice saying all those words still resonated within him. He felt pain each time he remembered what happened and only now, he wished he had the ability to erase a memory from his mind. If he could do that, he would have erased the memory of Sumayyah and anything that had to do with her, right from the very first day he met her.

Last night, when he had followed his instincts and went after that familiar figure he saw at cold stone, he was shocked at the scene he saw. He stared intently at her, to be sure he was not mistaking her for someone else. Even though the area was dimly lit, the side view of her face was still visible.
It was her, shamelessly making out with a man. He felt disgusted by her and felt the urge to yell at her. He felt his bile rise. But then he remembered, what if the man was her husband? From what that gateman told him, she would probably be married right? That was why she dumped him. But still, couldn't they be a little patient and go home? They had their whole lives to do all the things they wanted right?

“Sumayyah” He had called and they had paused, turning to look at him. She had let a smile spread across her lips, turned and kissed the man some more before she whispered something in the man's ears. The man had grinned and whispered,

“I can't wait for you to be mine tomorrow”

Kamal had guessed it was a deliberate act when the man said his statement in a voice that was audible enough for him to hear. His guess was confirmed when Sumayyah replied him.

“I'll be yours and yours alone to devour” And Kamal only felt disgusted the more. If he would interpret their sentences, then he would confidently say that the knot was yet to be tied. And here they were, already crossing the line.

Sumayyah had taken slow steps towards him and stood just a foot away from him.

“I am disappointed in you” Kamal had said and Sumayyah had chuckled.

“Why Kamal? Because I'm getting married to him tomorrow?” She had asked staring him deep in the eyes. Kamal had felt strange, seeing her looking at him like that. Unlike the tender look her had always seen in her eyes, that look was fierce, a bit intimidating that he had to take a step backward.

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