Kan: Get a job it's easier and a safer way too get money.

I left the alleyway and made my way to the cities gate I wonder where I should go I know about a big tree in this world but I wonder if I can destroy it i was broken out of my thoughts when I saw a female name felt I have infinite knowledge so I know almost everyone whos ever existed.

Felt: Please! Help!

Wait she's panting...... Is this the time that track suit boy is fighting that lady with that knife huh I thought she was too meet the sword Saint for help can't go back now.

Kan: Alright where too?

Felt:The loot house the bowel hunter is their!

Kan: Ok.

I grabbed onto her shoulder might as well bring her.

Felt: Wha-

I teleported us to this so called loot house I can hear clanging must be them i extended my hand to the door she supposed to be behind it right now talking about his guts so I'll interupt her this ability is one from that Yellow haired fox Boys world.

Kan: Push.

Not only did the door shot towards er other things as well like wood that table and a glass bottle.

Subaru: What the are you the one that summoned me!?!

Kan: No....why would you ask that in this situation anyways stand back please.

Emilia: A-alright.

They stood back the rubble began to move for them it would be a blur but for me it's like someone is walking lazily I materialized some energy to my index finger and shot it at Elsa's vital points like her heart head liver lungs and other areas.

Kan: That was anti-climactic

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Kan: That was anti-climactic.

Subaru: Dude! That was amazing!

Felt: He defeated her so easily he ws not even trying.

Kan: She's actually alive she will heal well she's trying to catch us off-guard.

When I said that her body got in a defensive position it was full of holes you could strike her legs and left arm so I did just that I appeared infront of her and used that Push technique again but this time I didn't hold back but I directed it to be in one area not a whole spread so it blew a hole in her.

Kan: Stand down you won't be able to hurt me.

Elsa:Oh *pant* Yeah? *Pant*Why is that?

Kan: You are weak.

I pulled her towards me and slam her down by her throat and impaled her arms with those Chakra rods I believe that's what their called they drain energy

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I pulled her towards me and slam her down by her throat and impaled her arms with those Chakra rods I believe that's what their called they drain energy.

Elsa: Why can't I move!

Kan: Because you are weak these are my weakest rods you're pathetic I only did it with you're palms yet you can't get up you used your energy to heal didn't you? Well it doesn't matter I'm pretty sure that sword saint will arrive soon good bye.

I began to leave they all looked at me in awe and well for Subaru he had stars on his eyes before I went out I pointed a finger at Subaru.

Kan: Dispell and Bless.
I gave you some abilities you can control gravity to a small decree trian it to get stronger I gave you a healing factor and took away that return by death you had goodbye.

Subaru looked at me and shocked and began to glow purple rocks stared to float around him and the woudns he had began to heal slowly.

Subaru: Wait! How did you do that! And who are you!?

Kan: Well for the first one I simply did it.

I opened a rift infront of me too take me to a different world.

Kan: And for the other question I'm just a watcher.
Shout my name and I'll arrive.

Subaru:Whats you're name?

Kan: Call me Kan.

And with that I went through the rift and began to fall I'm in the sky this is different this worlds should be interesting Fallen angles devils and other creatures await me.

I spread my wings and began to fly which were big and dark and inky I had one set I could easily have around 50 or 80 but I would need to be a giant well I hope this world is fun.

??? POV

??? :Pres look!

???: Well looks like we might have a new member.

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