Ch.4 Baratie

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~Y/n pov~

"This is a good restaurant. I'll take this ship." Don stated.

Sanji sat up slowly, blood was dribbling down his chin, "So.. that's what you want.."

One of the chefs fired a cannon at Don Krieg.

"You're damn annoying!"

It didn't seem to affect Don at all as he pulled out some guns and fired straight back.

"Don't defy me! When I tell you to prepare food, follow my orders."

The head chef dropped a huge bag of food in front of him.

Don looked at him with wide eyes.

He seemed to recognise the chef as he called him Zeff.

"What're you doing? What are you thinking?"

"If we revive even those on the ship, our restaurant will be completely taken over!"

"If they have the will to fight, that is.." Zeff finally spoke, "Right, defeated warrior of the Grand Line?"

"Don Krieg is a defeated warrior..."

"Then even the ruler of the East Blue couldn't..."

"You must be Red Foot Zeff." Don Krieg stated, confirming my suspicions, "So you are alive. An incomparable pirate who was a cook and yet also a captain.."

So he used to be a pirate and now he's a head chef?

"So what if I'm alive? It has nothing to do with you. As you can see, I live as a cook now." Zeff responded.

Don laughed at that, "If you put it that way, it sounds nice. Red Foot Zeff was a master of kicks sho never used his hands in battle. I hear that his strong legs crushed bedrock and even left footprints on steel. And Red Foot referred to your shoes, which were covered in blood that splattered as you kicked your enemies down. But you no longer have that precious leg of yours..."

Zeff had a wooden leg. He must've got it cut off and been defeated by someone stronger.

"I've heard the rumour.. How unlucky for you to have an accident at sea.." Don Krieg smirked, "To you, losing one of your legs must mean you are unable to fight."

"What about fighting? I can cook without a leg as long as I have these hands."


Luffy walked up to Don Krieg and pointed his finger at him, "Hold on a second! I'm the one who's gonna be King of the Pirates!"

"Hey, back off, chore boy! You're no match for him!"

"I can't back off on this." Luffy smiled.

"Did you say something, kid?" Don glared at him, "I can let it pass.."

"You don't have to. I just stated a fact." Luffy said bluntly.

"This isn't a game."

"Of course not. I'll conquer the Grand Line."

"It's no joke, you brat! It's true that we didn't have information, but a fleet with five thousand men was wiped out in just seven days! That's a devilish sea! There's no way someone like you can sail across it!" Don Krieg yelled at Luffy, "If you're not going to drop it, I'll crush you here."

"Go ahead of you can..." Luffy rolled his arm back and held him shoulder, getting ready to fight.

"Fine by me." Don growled, "As you wish, I'll send you to the netherworld."

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