Chapter 21 The Gates of Vellia

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"You talk of the Coalition..." Eisentrop mutters


From this one word, the entire hall booms on angered and panic shouts.

"Are you insane!?"

"What kind of idiocy are you spouting!?"

"This better be a joke Sir Fayne, and it's not funny!"

"You would invite the Coalition at our doorstep!?"

The collective shouting has Gilbert stand up, grab a nearby bottle of whine and smash it on the table, breaking into shards with the contents oozing out. This action has the entire hall silenced as they all look at him in confusion, anger, and curiosity.

"Now that you're done with your tantrums, allow me to explain. The Lumieri are in a race against time. It's pretty obvious that their growing power will reach the nations of the Coalition soon which would most likely be a cause for concern for them. If this happens, Leo will have to focus on the Coalition first and foremost and this will be our opportunity to strike. Whilst he's busy with the Coalition, we move and occupy the nearby lands and bolster our forces, and aid the Coalition so as to bring ourselves on the negotiating table for terms. We grow our power and lose our most powerful rival. Which is why I've been gathering supplies and bolstering our defenses against them. So we can hold until they arrive which I'm certain they will. Killing their diplomats was simply a way to provoke King Leo into action, which he most splendidly fell for."

"And how are you certain that the Coalition will keep their word?"

"General Ainhar here is originally from Disvachi. Even better, he's a cousin of Disvachi's king. And we've been given terms so as to help in taking down Lumiere in exchange for more land."

At this, the entire hall was filled with awes and praise. Their previous feelings of fear and nervousness surmounted by relief and joy.

"If you're connected to one of the Coalition's leaders then perhaps we can trust you!"

"It's not like we have much of a choice to defeat Lumiere...very well, no turning back now."

"Please be sure you won't fail us General Ainhar!"

"We leave it to you then General!"

"The Lumieri won't know what hit them gahahaha!"

Among all the praises and celebrations, there was one man in the corner who simply scoffed at the entire affair. "Idiots..."

He looked on at his celebrating comrades acting as if they've already won the war before it even began. He on the other hand was nervous. He was the only one that continuously kept watch of Lumiere and analyzed their strength. He watched as Lumiere expanded and regained it's former territories. And what frightened him of this event was the sheer speed at which Lumiere reconquered everything. He noticed the Lumieri went for tactical points in each region. How both diplomacy and military might was used to great effect. How he watched as Lumiere rapidly closed in on them from all sides.

And he especially took note of one particular army, the one being led by Leo. Out of the three armies that broke off, he noticed Leo's army as the one that had the least number of men and the most number of towns and villages to subjugate. And he did it at such a frightening speed that he was the first to arrive outside Vellia for the siege whilst the others were still advancing.

As he witnessed all of this, he came to one conclusion. Lumiere's current king is a frightening entity. At this thought, his stomach twisted and turned and his head ached, having to remain on his seat as the nobles around him were standing up and preparing to head to the main hall to celebrate.

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