Talking (2)

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Okay, this is a re-write of "Talking (2)" since now that I've read it again, I fucking hate it. Along with that, Sammy would have been dead based on that Au now that I think about it. So, now he's gonna be dead even though it doesn't make sense if you read this one and the first Talking chapter.....¯\_()_/¯


Henry's POV
I was pacing around my around my room waiting for the time to hit 11:15 so I could drive over to William's house since it was a 15 minute drive to get to his house. I was worried, a lot if I'm being honest.

He isn't the most....mental stable at the moment and along with that, he's constantly worried about Micheal after what happened. I can't blame him, after the bite I feared our creations and was worried about the safety of my child. Thinking of said child, I couldn't help but feel disgusted with the consequence of me not watching one of my children.

Sammy had went missing and I later find out his decomposing body was found in a broken down apartment. He was just three and his murder wasn't even found. Even after that, I didn't watch Charlotte correctly over the years. Until William had lost Elizabeth due to Circus Baby which was made for her initially. I hate admitting that considering that the death of someone else's child for me to care about mine.

     To add salt to that wound, years after Sammy's death, my wife tried to take Charlotte from me. Key word tried, considering she ended up dead.

I didn't kill her, she just did sit-ups into my knife 28 times.

My alarm going off pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked to see that it was 11:15 and I had to leave. Charlie was with my sister so I had nothing to worry about. Hopefully seeing William could make me feel better and clear my thoughts. (I have no idea how alarms worked back then so-)

Time skip to Henry getting to William's house

   Once I got to William's, my heart started to beat faster. I was concerned after our talk at the pizzeria last night, and him finding the blueprints for "Security Puppet". He had guessed right, that it was for Charlie but it was originally for Sammy. What William doesn't know was that Sammy wasn't allowed at the pizzeria after he had almost gotten kidnapped when he and Charlie were three to only get kidnapped anyway. What a waste of my time.

That might have been because I wasn't paying attention to them but I think not. He should have left that closet with his sister.

My thoughts were interrupted by William knocking on the window. I unlocked the car so he could get and we could leave. "How are you, you seemed lost in thought." He said once he was seated and buckled in. (I never buckle my seatbelt lmao-)

"Oh it's nothing. I was think about where we were going." I lied. He stared into my eyes for a moment before turning and leaning back into his seat, "Alright then, let's go."

Yet another time skip to when they get to an area near the place Henry wanted to take William

Still Henry's POV
    Once we got the the parking garage near forest-y park, I pulled out a blindfold for William since I wanted this to be a surprise for him. "What's that for? Can't we just walk to the place and I see?" William question once I showed him the blindfold.

"Well, we can walk but you can't see. This is a surprise to make you feel better. And don't you dare say you're fine. I know you aren't. I may not understand how you feel, but I'm still here for you." He sighed once I was done but looked at me with a sad smile.

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