Found you......for the 3rd time

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In this one shot it's after the Fnaf 6 fire and after William got of UCN. When it comes to the murders, William only killed the Fnaf 1 crew and Dave (yes they are two different people) killed Charlie and 13 other kids + 6 adults (apparently William killed something like 25 people, 6 being adults and 19 being kids. [Found that on google])

    Basically, Dave killed because he's fucking insane (and wanted to be immortal) and William did because he was forced to. When it comes to the concept of Charlie dying, at first Henry thought it was William until after the 30 years + 2 of of the 4 months William was in UCN, Charlie basically explained "Yo dad, your mans didn't kill me, it some other dude. He did kill my friends but he didn't want to." and Henry understood and feels horrible for the Fnaf 6 fire + what he said. Another thing is that Dave was in ScrapTrap for 20 years since he was in jail for 10 years and William was in SpringTrap for 30. (Also, there are Mentions of Murder and Death)
With all of that explained, lesss go-

Henry's POV
    I woke up to a loud sound coming from downstairs. At first, I was going to just go down but, that's stupid as hell. Instead, I grabbed a bat that I had since paranoia really hits you like a bitch when you burn your ex-best friend in a fire and say a bunch of shit you don't mean

I made my way down stairs only to stop once I heard talking. Well, someone talking to themself and complaining with a British accent that sounded very familiar.

"*Scoff* Did Henry really hate me so much, he's doesn't have tea. Jeez, I kill 5 kids and then hit with no tea or toast in a dead man's house....Did he die? He was old as hell, but didn't look like he was in his 60s or 70s. Eh, doesn't matter anymore. He was looking a bit crusty during the fire, so he's most likely dead."

   First of all, ouch. I was old but I wasn't that old. Also, "crusty", fucking rude, at least I wasn't in a broken, smelly, and a small robot. Well, SpringTrap didn't smell that bad but ScrapTrap.... smelt horrid.

   Wait.... that voice. He wasn't here. Or was he? He couldn't, he was in that "Ultimate Custom Night" thing, after the fire. But.

What if came back to get me? He wants revenge, doesn't he? Or what if he is looking a for a weapon and knows I'm still here? What if he-

My thoughts were cut off by footsteps that sounded like they were coming towards me. I quickly ducked behind a wall so whoever was there couldn't see me.

I peeked from my hiding spot to see a figure that looked very similar to William... ok it was William. He looked...., well how do I say this nicely..... he looked like he got his ass kicked baldy. I watched as he made his way to..... my room. Why the hell would he go in there?


  I waited for what felt like 30 years but was really 30 minutes to go to my room. I looked inside and saw that he was sleeping. To be honest, he did look cute like that and no one can fight me on that.

I walked up to that bed to see if he was really sleep or faking, but to my surprise he was sleep- well knocked out. I tried moving him, calling him name, hell I even kissed him on the cheek and all he did was smile slightly.

Since he was sleep, I turned on the light to see what damage the Fazbear Frights fire, along with the fire I made plus him being in UCN did to him and it wasn't pretty. Wasn't that surprising that he looked like he was dead. Well, he is but I believe that UCN was just him getting killed over and over again.

I decided to clean him since I doubt he would. Hopefully, it doesn't take that long.


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