Genderbent AU

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This is just a filler chapter until I have enhanced the energy to finish this other chapter I have that just needs to be finished.
(It'll be out later today, hopefully)

(Most of this whole thing is just gonna be talking like "Heh-", btw)

(William)  Wren is Bold
(Henry)    Hazel is underlined

"Hello, flower. How are you?"

"......Hey...I'm fine, what about you my darlin'?"

"Heh, good as I can be based on my current situation. Anyway, why do you sound sad my love?"

" you know what today is?"

"Heh....Is it Saturday?"

"No... not like that. I mean date...."

"Oh.....well, I don't happen to know my love. I cant exactly tell time when being dead....."

"Oh. Okay then......"

"What's the date then?"


"Take your time hun. Take a sec and then tell me."



"Today......3 years ago.......I lost the love of my life along with our daughter."


"And it hurts.........knowing.........knowing that........the monster that took them away from me......."

"What happened babygirl?"

"That monster got away. Lies. Lies saved her. She should be dead.

" didn't know-"

"I know I didnt. No one would have guessed that she would do that. Hell, no one would have guessed that your fucking sister and her fiancé would do such a thing."

"Hazel. Listen, it doesn't matter anymore. They'll get what they deserve. After that, nothing will matter anymore."

"It hurts Wrenny.......knowing you're both...."

"I know.....I know.... Well, let's not dwell on this more. Don't you have work?"

"Yeah. *Sigh*, I should get going. Bye Darlin'."

"Goodbye my love."

Hazel's POV
I walked away from the rotten corpse of my wife and with one last look at her, I left the safe room then closed the door. I hate this. I hated going to that suit and smelling the aftermath of Wren's horrible death. Due to two evil people that had no reason to kill.

    I originally was going to go see how Mackenzie (Micheal) was but she probably was powered down and "sleeping". It didn't matter since I still had to get home to the "alive" kids.
Well, they weren't alive. I had tried to "fix" them and put them back together.

As I was walking towards the exit, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. I turned around only to see the murders I hated this everything in my body.

  "Are you lost baby girl?" One of the said with nothing put pure evil in her voice. It was making fun of the Conversation I had earlier. "Fuck off. You act like I can even tell the police."

  They looked surprised I how snappy I was. "You know what? I'm not doing this today. Goodbye" Once I said that, I walked through the door to leave.

I was sick of it and I wasn't going to let them taunt me. Bring up the ones I lost.

It was the end of Communications with them.

For now

"𝓽ꫝꫀ ꪖᥴ𝓽𝓲ꪮꪀ𝘴 ꪗꪮꪊ 𝓽ꪖ𝘬ꫀ ꪖꪀᦔ 𝘳ꫀᧁ𝘳ꫀ𝓽 ꫝꪖꪜꫀ ꫝ𝓲ᧁꫝꫀ𝘳 ᥴꫝꪖꪀᥴꫀ ꪮᠻ ꫝꪊ𝘳𝓽𝓲ꪀᧁ ꪗꪮꪊ ꪖꪀᦔ 𝓽ꫝꫀ ꪮꪀꫀ𝘴 ꪗꪮꪊ ᭙ꪖꪀ𝓽 𝓽ꪮ 𝘴ꪖꪜꫀ."

520 words.

Quick note, the thing at the end is made up and I don't even know if the words are spelt right lmao-

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