Chapter 41: Climax of the War

Start from the beginning

Serafall grit her teeth and closed her eyes to stop the tears from coming out as she lowered herself and Falbium to the ground. Once they landed, Serafall felt the presence of the wyrms and turned around to see them all staring at her in mid-air. They roared at her and prepared to do to her the same fate Ajuka suffered under but they all turned their attention into the direction of the big battle going on between the alliance and chaos beasts.

They instead decided to go for bigger prey and changed direction to the battle. Serafall prepared to follow but turned around to realize that Ajuka's fate was still unknown. She widened her eyes and ran over to where he had landed. She arrived at the crater and peered over the edge to see a motionless Ajuka. She slid down the edge of the crater before running to Ajuka's side. She got on her knees and put her ear to his chest, but couldn't hear a heartbeat.

Serafall: Ajuka!

Serafall attempted to shake him awake but it was too late. Ajuka Beezlebub was now the first victim to fall to the wrath of the Gedo Statue... And this was only the beginning.

Tiamat: At last, the final battle is upon us.

???: Tiamat!!

Tiamat raised her eyebrow as she turned to her left to see an approaching Y/N that was holding his head. The Gedo Statue roared at Y/N which caused him to jump.

Kurama: (So this was her plan all along... I knew she was off...)

The Gedo Statue prepared to charge but Tiamat lifted her hand which caused the statue to stop.

Tiamat: Y/N, I'm so glad you could joi-

Y/N: Cut the bullshit, Tiamat! What is the meaning of this?!

Tiamat: What is the meaning of what? Is this not what you wanted? With this, we'll be able to destroy the supernatural for good.

Y/N: You don't think I know what that 'thing' is capable of?!

Tiamat: My dear, if you knew what it was capable of... You wouldn't have come here.

Suddenly, a purple chain shot out of the statue's mouth and wrapped itself around Y/N. He widened his eyes as he looked down to see that the chains were burning him. He grit his teeth as he fell to one knee and slowly looked up at Tiamat.

Kurama: (Kid, you need to get out now!)

Y/N: What is this?

Tiamat: Don't take this personally, you're just too dangerous to be left running loose. It's better you stay here with me.

Y/N: Don't think I won't break out of these chains, Tiamat.

Tiamat: Darling, I know you couldn't break out of those chains. If you didn't have the Nine-Tails inside of you, that would be a whole new can of worms.

Y/N squinted at Tiamat and saw her new pair of eyes.

Y/N: How did you get a Rinnegan?

Tiamat: It was actually a long and strenuous journey. I've been after the Rinnegan for awhile but just recently I was able to finally awaken it.

Y/N: Unlocking the Rinnegan isn't as easy as that.

Tiamat: As far as you know...

Y/N: What?

Tiamat: You unlocked your Rinnegan by balancing the spirits of Asura and Indra, therefore obtaining their chakra for you to use but nevertheless was still unstable for you to use without repercussions. Once you met the Sage of Six Paths, he was to be the last piece to unlocking your full potential. He binded your chakra together, allowing you access to a unique Yin-Yang Release... The power of the gods...

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