Chapter 41: Climax of the War

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A/N: Boys, I'm not dead yet! In all seriousness though, I do apologize for the lack of uploads and my overall activity. School has been really taxing on me and combining that with work it's just a whole situation right now. But, as compensation for all of you being so patient while waiting for another chapter, I'm giving you guys 11,000 words of content. This is by far my longest chapter yet and it was also super fun to write. Once again, I do apologize for not getting this out sooner considering its been like 2 1/2 weeks but I do try. Thank you guys for all the support as well, we hit 150k reads and 5k votes which is absolutely insane and it brings me joy to see that so many people keep reading my story. Anyways, enjoy the chapter amigos.


Serafall: What is that thing?!

Ajuka: I have no idea!

The Gedo Statue roared out on the battlefield as it thrashed around from inside the ground. Tiamat looked behind her  and clicked her tongue.

Tiamat: He's late... No matter, this is more than enough to deal with the likes of you two.

The Gedo Statue stopped its howl of rage and looked down at Tiamat and bared its teeth at her as a threat to strike her.

Tiamat: I have the means to control you finally.

Tiamat grabbed the edge of her kimono and pulled it down from the shoulder. The Satans tried to see what she was showing the statue but weren't able to see. The Gedo Statue then looked up at the Satans as Tiamat turned around while fastening her kimono once more.

Tiamat: Now then, until your 'food' arrives, those two will be the snacks.

The Gedo Statue let out a loud roar as a handful of purple phantom dragons exited its mouth and soared into the sky. They locked their sights on Serafall and Ajuka and launched towards them.

Ajuka: I don't know what those things are but, RUN!

Serafall and Ajuka grabbed Falbium by placing his arms around their shoulders and took to the skies. Serafall veered back to see the phantom dragons racing towards them at speeds that surpassed their flight with their wings. Ajuka formed his magic circle in his hand and pointed back towards the dragons.

The dust particles then swirled into a wall of stone that made Ajuka smirk. The dragons however phased straight through it and continued their pursuit. Ajuka was confused but noticed that after the dragons phased though, the wall started to crumble to dust. Ajuka shook his head and focused on flying from the dragons.

Serafall: They're fast, Ajuka!

Ajuka: Just keep flying!

Ajuka and Serafall continued flying to escape the phantom wyrms while continuously shooting attacks back at them to no avail. Ajuka looked back at the dragons to notice that something was off. He widened his eyes and whipped his head around.

Ajuka: Serafall!

Serafall lifted an eyebrow at him but felt the shadow being cast down upon her by a wyrm that had made it infront of them. Serafall widened her eyes at the sight as the wyrm launched forward at her. She could only see impending death in her eyes but was surprised when Falbium was pushed into her and was sent away with him. She looked towards the source of the sudden action and saw Ajuka with his hands outstretched towards her, signifying it was him who had saved her life.

Serafall: Ajuka!

Ajuka delivered a small smile as the phantom wyrm flew straight through him. Ajuka's eyes rolled into the back of head as he felt his body being sucked of all of its energy. The phantom wyrm made it through him completely and left Ajuka stranded, hovering in mid-air. Eventually after a moment, Ajuka started plummeting towards the ground. Serafall struggled to carry the heavy Falbium and could only watch as Ajuka created a crater as he smacked into the floor.

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