A Curse More than a Blessing: 1-Sora

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Monday morning, 23 year old Sora woke up with a gasp.

As she caught her breath, she looked around, studying where she was. She was on the couch, drawing journal on the end table. TV off, room dark. The house, quiet.

She took a deep breath before readjusting her glasses which she fell asleep in. Standing up and walking into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Sora was a short girl, being barely 5 feet. She had short hair, it being shaved on one side. It was snow white, but you could tell her original hair colour was black by her roots slowly growing back in. Her normal clothes being a white tank top with a spider print on the back. It had been a joke and prank that her friend, Kaiden, suggested. Knowing fully well the fear of insects and arachnids the smaller had. A long, white, short sleeve coat with a high collar was placed on top of the tank top. She wore black leggings with brown thigh high boots. She wore long black gloves reaching all the way up to her upper arm. Grey headphones rested around her neck.

Opening the cabinet, she grabbed a small plastic cup from the bottom self, being so short, she couldn't reach the other ones. She took the jug of water that was placed on top of the counter and poured herself some water, filling her cup half way.

"Is the cup half full, or half empty?" She thought to herself as she sipped the cold water.

"Either way you won't be going thirsty." She shrugged as she placed the cup into the sink.
Looking over to the oven, she took note of the time that was presented on the small screen on the oven.


Drifting her eyes to the pantry, knowing ingredients for pancakes were inside. She nodded to herself, deciding to start on making pancakes for her and her friends.


"AHH!" She yelped as she shook her hand violently.

"You okay?" Looking over, Sora saw her friend Foxy come down the stairs, looking at her concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine. The butter just popped and it got on me." The other reassured. Foxy nodded, going over to sit on the other side of the counter and watch the other cook.

"Want anything to drink? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Water? Juice?" Sora offered.

"Its fine, I can get it myself." The fox declined, seeing as the other was busy cooking.

"You sure? This is my last pancake and you're already sitting down." Sora double checked.

"Oh, in that case, juice please. Thank you." Foxy smiled as Sora took the pancake off the pan and onto the plate full of other beautifully made and stacked pancakes.

Sora loved to cook and bake and had a talent for it. Always making cakes out of the blue, offering to make dinner that night, and pipping in with a nerdy food fact when the others question why she put egg on a pie crust. Always making delicious meals. And being a self proclaimed artsy person, she liked to make sure they looked appetizing. Most of the time semi failing at that, but the taste made up for it.

As Foxy watched Sora reach up to the cabinet, her eyes drifted to the stove which Sora had left on. "Sora, you forgot to turn off the stove." She scolded.

"I did?" Sora asked, turning to look at the oven.

It had indeed been left on.

She sighed as she went to move over to the stove, ignoring the blue fox who was probably mom speeching her about being responsible and blah blah bla-

She had turned quicker than she had anticipated. Thinking she could pull her arm back and turn around at the same time. But alas, she turned, hitting her hand on the cabinet and losing her footing, causing her to grab onto the cabinet, pulling it down with her. In response, cups and mugs started sliding down and falling off the shelf.

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