Chapter 2

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I looked behind me, at it was Kim Taehyung giving me a cold stare.

Can you come to my party on Saturday? -tae

My head suddenly went blank, and I had a poker face.

Me? Wait so you're asking me to come at party? I barely know you tho.

Everyone is coming, you're not that special. I could care less if you wanna come or not. -Tae

Throwing the invitation on the ground, he walked away.

I was wondering why Taehyung, the most careless and coldest person ask me to come and plus it was my first day at school.

I picked up the invitation and walked home processing what just happened.


I reached home and washed up. I decided to check out the invitation.

I opened the envelope and the location of the party was on a private yacht near a beach at 7 pm.

I wasn't that surprised since people say his parents are in the mafia.

I remembered at school I exchanged numbers with Chae Young. I decided to call her and ask about the party.

Hey Chae young how are you doing ?

I'm doing great what about you? -CY

Yea I'm fine, hey by the way did you get a invitation for Kim Taehyung's party? he said he invited everyone.

Oh you too? Yes I got it, Taehyung has one of the best parties in our school. I went last year too and that was in Paris. He booked everything for us. He's a boring, soulless person but the parties he host are worth going to. -CY


Yes, I was shocked too, by the way wanna go shopping together for the party? I heard it's his younger sisters birthday and he's hosting it as a surprise, Jungkook told me at school he's one of his closest friends. -CY

Oh I was debating on if I should go or not since I'm new. I don't want to be a outcast there you know.

You should totally come it's going to be a blast don't worry I'll be there with you. -CY

Fine let's go shopping tomorrow after school.


It's was 8pm my mom came home she was in a good mood since her boss gave her a bonus. I thought it would be the best time to ask her if I can go.

*At dinner table*

Hey mom how was yours day at work?

I am very happy I got a bonus. *dances around* -mom

That's great news.. mom can I ask you something?

Sure, go ahead.  -mom

Uh... can I... um... Go to a party? A student at school invited me it's his sisters birthday, also don't worry I'm not going alone I made a new friend at school her name is Chae Young. We both are going together.

Haha why are you so scared to tell me? Of course you can go I want you to make new friends here and get along with everyone. -mom

Thanks mom, I was scared you won't let me go haha.

Don't worry, by the way what's that's guys name? And where is the party? -mom

Oh, his name is Kim Taehyung and he hosted a party for his sister on a yacht lol.

Dam they rich. I wonder what the parents do. -mom

Yes me too *nervous laugh*


I was happy I am going to the party. I didn't tell my mom the part where his parents where in the mafia. I thought she would freak out and wouldn't let me go.

I washed up and went straight to bed. I was excited for tomorrow since me and Chae young were going shopping. I was wondering what to wear since it will fancy and all plus I never went to a fancy party before.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🦋

Cold hearted/ Kim Taehyung/School/MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now