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Satsuki in her pyjamas sitting on the sofa opposites Naruto. Her face was red in embracement also fear that he might tell the Hokage about her true gender.

Naruto on the other hand sitting opposites her looks at her in a serious expression. He looks like he wanted the truth. He takes a sip of chocolate drink in his mug and asked " Sasuke, is that your real name?" 

"N-no, m-my real name is S-Satsuki" She answered with a stutter. 'this is the end of my career. No, it can't be. It is just two months. Even, I didn't reach jounin yet' she thought. Anxious of her dream of being a full-fledged Kunoichi crush by the accident in front of the 'dead last'.

"So how long have you hides your true identity?" Naruto askes.

"Since, before the academy. My father was quite unhappy when he knows that I am a girl so he hides my identity as a girl and created the whole male persona by casting a genjutsu at me. I started to know about my true gender after the genjutsu accidentally wear off. It shocked me until my mother told me the truth"

"After the death of my parents killed by a brother of mine, I continued using my male persona so I could save myself from being abducted in the CRA program. It is worse. If I show my true gender to them, not only I will lose my career as a shinobi but also being married to an unknown man that I don't love. I'm scared, Naruto. I'm scared" She outburst crying scared of this outcome. Truly, this is a nightmare for all clan women if this happens.

Naruto knows this.  He understands all of it. He pities her. In a million people living in this world yet, Satsuki is the unlucky one.

He understands her

Being alone,



Living in a lie,

Be a tool for the upper class,

Is the worst thing to be lived in this world.

He went through that once

He never thought that there is a person like him until he discovers her.

He hugged her gently.

Satsuki felt the blonde hug her. She felt warm for the first time since the Uchiha massacre. The last time she was hugged by her mother.

She hugs him back, for the first time she felt safe.

After that, she calms herself. Naruto releases her from his hug. She wiped her tears from her eyes.

"Are you okay?" the blonde asked.

"I'm fine. Just remember that tragic moment" The raven-haired girl retorts. She tilts her head away from him.

"Brother" she murmured. Her voice reaches to blonde ears.

"Do you hate your brother"

Her fist started to flinch remembering about her brother. she wrapped her hands under her breast. "Yes, I hate him but at the same time I still love him"

"Do you know why he killed your classmates and including your parents?"

"He said that he wants to test his power and said that through hatred that I could defeat him"

'So she doesn't know the truth yet' Naruto thought. He was uncertain what would happen if he told her the truth about her brother.

"Naruto, please. Don't tell Hokage about this. I'm begging you. If they know, I would be stuck in my home and lost my freedom" she desperately pleaded to Naruto.

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