Chapter 10: Dresses & Screams

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A few days later when the sun from a rare sunny day goes down, Alice and Rosalie bring Orianthi dress shopping with them in Port Angeles. Ori looks through the dress racks and she smiles but she starts feeling a cold feeling. Death. She tries to ignore it for now. She continues skimming the rack.

"What color should I wear?" Orianthi asks.

"The same color you wore to your sweet 16," Alice replies. "Brown or Orange, maybe something with flowers."

"What about gold?" Rosalie asks as she holds up a long, golden and beautiful gown. "Try this on, Ori."

Orianthi grabs it and she goes to the dressing room.

"Oh, amd Orianthi?" Rosalie speaks and stops the girl at the curtain. "Whatever you do... don't look at the price tag."

Orianthi nods and she tries the dress on. She gasps in awe as she looks at herself and she steps out. Alice and Rosalie both gasp in shock and admiration at how gorgeous Orianthi looks. Orianthi goes in and changes back and she listens to Rosalie; she doesn't look at the price tag. She has a feeling she would have a stroke or a heart attack if she did.

Orianthi pauses at the door of the car outside and suddenly, she lets out a warning scream. Rosalie and Alice cover their ears quickly and they watch her in concern.


"Dad!" Orianthi gasps. "Alice, Rosalie, I need to get home. Now."

"Come on."

Alice grabs her and she rushes off, leaving Rosalie to drive the car with their dresses. Orianthi runs into her house and finds her dad on the couch. He looks like he's asleep but Orianthi knows better. She calls 911 while checking for a pulse. She tries to perform CPR until the paramedics arrive and they call time of death.

Alice stays outside and she calls Jasper to tell him about Orianthi's father. It was an aneurysm. He wasn't attacked like Melissa was. He died of a semi natural cause.

After the funeral. Charlie Swan tells her that he has filed to become her guardian since all her dad's family lives all the way in New York and Pennsylvania and some are in Colorado and Texas. Orianthi moves into the Swan house and into the attic bedroom Charlie amd his buddy Harry Clearwater put together and she mourns her father.

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