Chapter 21 - Bittersweet (Tom)

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"Are you worried?" Tom asked.

Prae's eyes met his, then she looked away. "No." Her hands fidgeted like she was holding something back.

"Are you sure?"

She surveyed the crowd again. "We were supposed to cook together on Saturday, but she cancelled without giving a reason which isn't like her. Maybe she wanted to cook alone or had plans with you or Emma?"

Tom shook his head.

"Then she posted nothing on her cooking page on the weekend."

"She might need a break." He didn't want to scare Maria off again by trying to fix things she needed to deal with alone like he had when she was struggling with her ex.

"You're right, Tom. Thank you."

"She's lucky to have a friend who cares as much as you."

Prae's cheeks reddened. "You are too kind."

A few teachers called out in Thai from the gym, and Prae told him it was time to get organized into their classes. Tom was with the Matayom two students, or grade eights, as he was more accustomed to thinking of them. The group was smaller than usual as many older students were performing in the choir.

As everyone filtered into the gym, Maria and Emma arrived to sit with their primary four students. The Filipina smiled when others greeted her, but Tom had experienced enough of her masked feelings to suspect her expression was fake. Perhaps space wasn't what Maria needed. Would asking her about it again make him come across too invasive? If she was upset about the holidays, tonight's supper and tomorrow's plans could improve her mood or convince her to open up and save him from having to stick his foot in his mouth.

The Thai director began his announcements. With the speed at which he spoke, Tom only understood the odd word or phrase. The parents settled on the outer edges of the gym while the students and teachers sat on the floor in front of the auditorium stage. Pictures of the king lined the upper walls while tinsel, sparkling snowflakes, and golden stars Tom had helped hang this morning decorated the backdrop of the stage. Monks wearing bright orange robes sat on chairs near the front.

Everyone stood for the national anthem and many sang along. Afterwards, they sat again for a speech from the Thai director, and a short one from the English director, thanking the staff for all their hard work creating decorations and organizing activities. Tom had enjoyed teaming up with Becca and the other Matayom and specialty teachers to create a December holidays game show since it still connected him to Christmas in a round-about way.

The choir took the stage in their Santa hats and red, green, and gold ensembles. Their angelic holiday melodies almost transported him home as the air-conditioned chill of the gym resembled a gentle winter breeze. It was like carolling with his family or sitting in his childhood home where a gingerbread scent filled the air.

After another speech, the classes dispersed to the outer walls, where everyone awaited the procession of monks. Tom clutched the pre-wrapped basket of food that he'd bought to give alms to the monks for this day. Usually, they collected in the morning hours between five and seven on the streets, but since Tom was sleeping or getting ready for work, he hadn't taken the time to do this yet. At least this was a positive outcome of the school celebrating.

Kru Malee, his coworker supervising another group of junior high students, showed Tom how to respectfully offer his donation." Shoe off," she indicated, removing her heels as the monks grew closer. The children with packages in their hands had done the same.

Tom untied his dress shoes and placed them at his side.

"Give food. Wai." She pressed her hands together and bowed her head, revealing a few gray streaks in her dark hair.

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