Bathroom got locks! He rushed into the bathroom and immediately locked the door, hiding himself in the corner curling up. He moved the phone to his face. "j-jungkook they want me. What did I do? What do they want?"

"I don't know tae, please stay hidden. We're almost there" jungkook was beyond worried. Why was someone trying to get taehyung? He did not like that. Taehyung should have been safe there. How did anyone even find out about him? This was bad.

"i-im trying," Taehyung said and moved to the door on his knees listening. He keeped under the door with one eye closed. He could see two men enter the room. Removing the blankets and looking under the bed. Even behind the cupboard and chairs. They did not leave any hiding spot unchecked. Taehyung thought they might leave after they didn't find anything but one turned his head to the door and taehyung jolted back thinking they saw him.

"found him" one chuckled and began rummaging through the door. Taehyung yelped and hid back in the corner grabbing the phone.

"m-mister, please help. I'm scared. T-they know where I am. I-i cant leave" he tried to not cry but his voice was shaking and unsteady in pitch. He wiped his eyes with his hands to get his blurry vision clear. He didn't feel good. It was like he was living in a nightmare. He wanted to wake up, he didn't like this. He wanted Jungkook to be here.

"We are almost there, hold on for me okay, its will be alright" jungkook was so far over the speed limit but he did not care, he had to get home fast before they can hurt taehyung, he didn't know what these people want from him, but he didn't want taehyung to get hurt or worse, killed. He cared for the hybrid more than he had realised before, it was intense and more real than he thought, but he only fully realized it now. He was scared to lose the other right now. He should have been more careful, more cautious. He shouldn't have left the house.

Taehyung held the phone so tight it might actually break when the door flew open breaking the lock. He shrieks in fear seeing two men approach him. He wished the walls to just consume him right here and now, to take him away from this place.

"s-stay back!" he shouted.

"no no, you're coming with us" the man said and grabbed taehyung's arm to pull him out of the corner. The hybrid dropped the phone in shock and kicked the man with his feet right in the stomach. The man was surprised by the sudden attack of the boy and let go of him cursing when he saw the hybrid run away.

"don't let him get away!"he shouted and the other people quickly followed after the boy.

Taehyung pressed the elevator buttons as fast as he could thinking it would actually make the elevator open faster, but not fast enough he just barely managed to dodge the reaching hand of someone and ran off again standing behind the couch.

"oh playing catch now?" the man said with a chuckle seeing the hybrid was just gonna ring around the rosey with him. "How cute" there was no sincerity in the man's voice at all which sent a shiver down taehyung's spine.

"w-what do you want from me?"

"Just you, nothing much. now come here so we can leave."

"no" taehyung said, he was not willing to willingly go with someone like them. in no hundred years it will even cross his mind to do that. The men didn't seem to like that and all came for him. He yelped running back to the bedroom slamming the door shut. an arm of one of the men got slammed in between and he let out a painful scream.

"that bitch!" he shouted and kicked the door open violently. "don't go easy on him!"

"j-jungkook!" Taehyung shouted seeing the phone on the floor near the bathroom door. a faint voice heard from the device. but he didn't get to grab it. He felt something hit his body and a painful wave of shocks went through him. He let out a scream when he fell to the ground shaking.

"There, got him, '' one of the men said and two men grabbed the hybrid. one blindfolded hi while the other tied him up. taehyung's body felt weak, small shocks were still felt. he only could scream and shout when he was being dragged away.


Meanwhile Jungkook turned just around the corner. his heart was beating so fast. He heard the screams of taehyung, he heard the loud shouts and bangs. He heard all of it. "Please be okay" he said as he ran out of the car into the building. staff looking at him confused seeing the panicked face of their boss. But Jungkook did not see them now, he only had his eyes on the elevator that will get him up to his penthouse. where it all was happening, or...happened. He pressed the buttons fast "come on go faster!" He wasn't patient with this slow door closing mechanism. When he finally got up there he already saw Lu kneeling on the ground aiding the man who had a dark bruise on her head covering it with an ice pack.

"Lu where is Taehyung?!" he asked, rushing in the room seeing things were a mess. his bedroom was not what it was, everything was moved and the bedsheets on the ground. There was a search goin on, he could tell. He rushes in the bathroom where Taehyung had his himself but only was the phone left on the ground with a cracked screen.

"fuck! where is he!? taehyung!"

"Jeon" Lu approached his boss "he isn't here, i already searched the whole place, he isn't here"

"no, where is he? Who did this?"

"I don't know. the camera footage was hacked and deleted, we can't recover the files anymore. we can't even get in the system. Yoongi is working on it to get it all back online but it will take a while, he said.

Jungkook's heart felt heavy and painful. Taehyung was taken away. someone kidnapped him, but who? who could possibly know about the hybrid's existence and where to even find him, jungkook was sure no one had even seen him with the boy. If they did, they wouldn't know anything. why take taehyung? Jungkook felt anger but he did not know who to release it on. He had to know who did this, he had to find the boy before anything bad happened.

"you, what have you seen?" Jungkook asked the maid on the ground.

"n-not much, they were dressed in dark had a tattoo on his cheek. they were all tall, i have never seen them before"

"Did they say anything?"

"They kept asking where the hybrid was, I didn't tell them, I'm sorry. i couldn't keep them away"

"don't blame yourself" Jungkook said, he knew one single maid cant hold back multiple men who were probably trained in these things. "take rest, you are hurt" he turned to Lu. "Meet me at the mansion after you treat her. I am going to find who did this" jungkook said, regaining his control and speaking calmly. Lu nodded and kneeled next to the maid.



thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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