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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


"You looked terrible mark, what happened to you?", Yihwa worriedly asked her junior as soon as she sat down on the chair opposite marks chair. The second year student is currently leaning his chin on his right hand, dark circles around his eyes are visible.

"Phi yihwa, I didn't had enough sleep last night, my mind are still preoccupied by nervousness and fear", mark explained to his senior, yihwa smiled and lovingly caressed her juniors hair.

"Don't think too much about that matter mark, calm down and just be yourself, phi Pete will surely forgive you, you didn't meant to said those words in the first place", yihwa calmly stated to her junior.

"She's right mark, everything will be alright, phi Pete is known to be hot headed but at the same time he's a matured one, he will never hurt someone due to that small matter", bar added with a reassuring smile. Mark slowly nods his head in agreement before taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, a plate of food landed in front of him, when he turn his head to his right he saw his lover smiling to him.

"Eat mark, you looked like you've not eating anything", vee muttered to his lover before sitting down beside him, nuea and the others also sat down and starts to eat.

"Thank you phi vee", mark sincerely whispered to back to vee who affectionately smile.

"Welcome, now eat", vee whispered back.

"Are you the new members?", A sudden voice surprised the group they all lifted their head and they all widen their eyes in shock when they saw khai, dean and Korn standing in front of them, bar, nuea and vee immediately stand up and face them.

"Yes phi we are, do you need something?", Bar asked with respect to his seniors.

"Here's the pass, you need these as you enters the dorm for the pillar members", Korn seriously stated as he handed five cards to bar.

"Passes for what?", Nuea asked in curiosity as he eyed the passes.

"The dorm is guarded by a guard, you need to show them that pass, so they can let you enter, the only ones who have those cards are the members", dean explained in a calm tone.

"Umm are we forbidden to bring our friends in the dorm?", Tossakan suddenly asked.

"No, you can bring them in as long a you're with them, or you informed the guards their names, you can even bring your girls if you wa-------ouch dean what's that for!!!?", Khai suddenly shouted in pain when dean elbowed him hard on his side. Dean fake a cough before firmly look to khai.

"That's against the rule phi khai, phi kongpop and phi arthit will smack you hard if you do that and phi third will also kill you", dean exclaimed with a smirked on his face, khai paouted and scratch the back of his head.

"I'm just kidding dean, you're not fun at all, that's hurts you know, what if it bruise, I can't do my directing work if that happens", khai exclaimed back.

"That's not going to be bruise phi don't be too over dramatic", Korn added with a serious tone.

"Not you too Korn!!!", Khai shouted in frustration that makes Korn and Dean laugh.

"They looked so close", the sudden comment of lee, brought back khai, dean and Korn to theirselves.

"Ehem, sorry about our behavior, by the way you can now starts transferring your things to your new dorm, we're still not sure what room are you all in but be there after school along with your things, all of the members will be present there, so don't be late", khai stated with a smile before grabbing his juniors hands and starts to walk away from the group.

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