“Understood”, I replied.

“What are you all standing around for?”, Nolan asked, “there's shit to blow up. Get going!”

I laughed, “yes sir.”

We exited the command tent and walked back to the barracks to grab our gear. When we walked inside, Hudson and Emelia were met with an ambush that was met for Adelind and myself.

“Wait a minute”, Ace said, “your not Dad.”

“And your not Mom either”, Helix said.

“Nope”, Emelia said, “but I believe the ones you are looking for are right behind us.”

Tyson looked up, “I see them!”

“Attack!”, Ace shouted.

“No one's attacking anyone”, Adelind said.

“Aw Mom”, Tyson groaned, “you ruined it!”

“We can play later guys”, I said as they climbed up on my back, “right now, I got a job I have to go do with Hudson and the others.”

“Are you gonna shoot the badguys?', Tyson asked.

“Close”, I replied, “I'm going to blow them up.”

“Better!”, Ace shouted.

“He gets the 105”, Hudson joked.

“He'll get what I say he gets”, I laughed, “and at the moment he's to small for even a .22”, I looked at Adelind, “did I say that just how you wrote it?”

Adelind gave me a dirty looking smile, “I didn't write anything.”

I grinned, “are you sure?”

She smiled and kissed my cheek, “I'm sure, I think we have a spy.”

“Me”, Emelia smiled, “I take full responsibility.”

I laughed as I dropped the kids off at the room and the grabbed my gear. I promised Adelind that I would come back safe, kissed her goodbye and then headed for the 66. There was Raven's old bird there along with the V22 that Shadow and Raven usually rode in. Shadow as ordering some humans around, while Nina and their new teammate talked.

She was bright blue, but not as bright as Ness. Her under body was snow white and she had pink markings around her eyes and the same crest that Vez had sat on top of her head, telling me that she was also the same breed. She was wearing a .20 millimeter with the usual SAW as a sidearm and a Private Rank patch on her shoulder.

“So this is the new kid huh?”, I asked as I walked up.

“Yeah”, Shadow said, “she's kinda shy and looks like she's scared out of her mind, so I have Nina trying to calm her down.”

“Let me try and talk to her”, I said walking to the back end of the 22.

“Got everything Nina?”, I asked. I suspected she had heard me talking to Shadow because without missing a beat, she replied.

“Yeah, by the way Tyro, this is Syril, our new teammate.”

“Hey”, she said quietly.

“Nervous about the first mission?”, I asked.

“I'm a train wreck right now”, Syril replied.

“I feel”, I replied, “I was 18 when I first went to combat, and believe me I was scared, but I knew the guys I was with and trusted them. Do you trust Shadow and Nina?”

“Yes”, Syril said.

“Then you'll be fine”, I replied, “but if you really feel that your not cut out to be a combat soldier, talk to Nolan and he'll find you something more suitable.”

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