Out of Airplanes Into Pools of Sharks IX

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She turned around, pushing her hair to the side to give him access to her zipper and she could hear him get up from his spot on the floor to walk over to her. She could feel his tentative hands on her back, ghosting up until he found what he was looking for.

Slowly, he pulled it down. One inch. Two. Three.

"Are... are your eyes still closed?" Caitlin asked softly.

"Yes, Caitlin. My eyes are closed."

"Good," she breathed out. "I don't want you to sneak a peek."

Barry tried to hide a chortle. "Sneak a peek at what?"

"My... goods."

This time, Barry could not hold back his cackle. "Sneak a peek at your goods? Caitlin, I would never."

"Oh, shut up." Barry had zipped all the way down, finally allowing Caitlin to begin to change. "And keep your eyes closed."

"Caitlin!" Felicity's voice came from the adjoining room. "Did Barry finally get to take that dress off ya?"

"Yes!" Caitlin shouted back, pulling her dress down and all the way off. "And we're having very wild and crazy sex right now, so shut up!"

"Wild and crazy, huh?" Barry asked from behind her. She couldn't see his face, but she imagined that he had sported the biggest grin known to humankind. "Oh, Caitlin!" He began shouting. "Oh, yeah! Just like that!"

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asked, putting on her pajama top. Once her top half was covered and the shirt was big enough to hide the essentials, Caitlin let Barry know he could open his eyes.

"Having wild and crazy sex, of course," Barry said matter-of-factly; he then began to shout louder, "Yes, Caitlin, YES!"

After pulling on her pants, Caitlin turned around just in time to see Barry, who wore a blanket like a toga, using his fists to bang on the wall that connected her room to Felicity's.

Catching onto his plan, Caitlin jumped on her bed, moving up and down to make the springs squeak under the pressure. "Oh, Barry!" She moaned loud and over-exaggerated. "Right there! That's the spot!"

Barry paused in his banging to gawk at her with an open jaw.

"It takes two to have wild and crazy sex, you know," Caitlin said matter-of-factly. "Can't have you do it alone."

"Oh, I love you," Barry said with a devilish smirk. He then began thumping on the walls once more.

Caitlin, however, was frozen as an open pit in her stomach started to form.

I. Love You. Too?

Barry leaned into her as she remained kneeling on the bed. "C'mon, Cait. It takes two, remember?"

Still not having caught her attention, Barry reached over and tickled her. That definitely made her notice as her facial features scrunched up and she jumped up from his touch.

"Aw, so you are ticklish," Barry cooed as he clambered onto the bed, his blanket toga staying surprisingly intact.

"No, no, I'm not— Ahhh—" she began laughing as Barry's hands tickled her belly causing her to squirm and gasp. "Ahh! Stop, Barry!" she laughed. "Stop!"

"Well," Barry said, mercifully releasing her from his tickling hold, "I suppose that's the end of our wild and crazy sex. We have now pleased the fates and all the people who wanted this for us."

Caitlin giggled, the aftereffects of the tickle attack not fully worn off yet. "I think it's finally time to get to the sleep portion of the night. Something I don't have to fake." She sent him a wink as she settled under the covers of the bed.

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