Chapter 28:Taste Of Love

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Yena still doesn't know what to do with the information Mr.Jo gave her yesterday. It may be tragic, but she didn't really feel much sadness about it because she never really knew her father, let alone know who he even was until Mr.Jo told her.

But she did feel something, and that is anger.

Mr.Jo told her that her father's killer just recently got released from prison, and she wasn't sure about what to feel at first until she finally went to her room and had the chance to finally delve her thoughts about it.

Her first thoughts was that this person took away the life she could have had with her family, her REAL family, and instead turned her life into living hell starting from her father's death, and according to Mr.Jo, her mother died giving birth to her, so she had no other family to go to and was sent to the damned orphanage.

She felt hatred for this person, they just killed a person who had a family and for what? For their own personal gain? So they can be rich while someone suffers?

It made her feel moody the entire morning, until Mr.Jo called her out after breakfast.

He invited her to his study once again and made her sit down.

"So, I could see that you're upset about it." He says, watching her intently "For a second I thought you were on your period then I remembered our discussion yesterday." He joked, trying to lighten up the mood

But she just kept her face neutral, which made the joke feel awkward "Is there anything else you summoned me here for sir?" She asks politely

The business man clears his throat "In fact yes, I'll be on a business trip with my wife for a two days." He began "And I summoned you here to tell you that since you're older than Yuri, you're the supposedly the responsible one."

Yena raises an eyebrow "Aren't we supposed to have a guardian? We're still minors!"

"I know that, the maids are still going to be here, I told them to look after you, except at night time when they have to go home." He explains "I just need you to look out for Yuri, she's been acting weird since yesterday."

She remembers how cold the girl was to her yesterday, was it because of that hug?

She mentally face palms herself as the realization sets in, how could she think she was flirting with Yohan? She doesn't even like him that way, she considers him as her dumbass baby brother even though he's a year older than her.

She just sighs and nods "Yes sir, I'll look out for her."

The man smiles "Good!" But his expression quickly became serious as he frowns "I know this may seem sudden, considering on what we just talked about yesterday, but I only got this call right after you left, so I hope you understand."

"I understand sir." She says, nodding politely "But does Yuri know?"

He nods "Yes she does, I told her before breakfast, took a bit of convincing but she came around and we're leaving tonight by the way, kind of an urgent call y'see."

"I understand." Then she stands up, hoping to go to her room to mentally prepare to be alone with her step-sister for 48 hours "Is that all sir? Can I leave now?"

He nods "But before you do..."

She looks back at him, a questioning look on her face.

"Are you okay?" He asks, concerned "I mean after what I told you yesterday... you must've taken it hard."

She stood there for a bit, she has taken it quite hard hasn't she? Considering how much it affected her mood.

"I am fine sir." She began "I just need some time to think more."

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