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*Danny's POV*

We always used to cuddle and I don't know why we were making a big deal out of it. We hadn't really for the chance to cuddle since sharing hotel rooms with Harry and Dougie. Tom stumbled over to where I was lying and I wasn't gonna deny it...he looked hot in just his boxers, his abs protruding from his perfect body. He slotted into my arms and we cuddled until our breathing gradually became heavier and we were both asleep.

I woke up facing a ceiling I was unfamiliar with. I didn't bother looking around before the memories of the previous day came flooding back. I smiled to myself as I followed my arm to where my hand was lay on tops chest, the other buried in his hair. His head lay peacefully on my chest as it bobbed up and down in time to my breathing. I gave another small smile before I placed a soft, gentle kiss on his forehead. I love you. I always have and I always will love you Thomas Michael Fletcher. Wait...what? Haha, I giggled to myself, thinking my thought was just me not being fully awake yet. My lips hadn't moved from his forehead as he woke up.

*Toms POV*

I was awoken by the touch of soft lips upon my head. It only took a second for it to click that if was Danny. He'd obviously noticed that I was awake as my breathing had gone back to normal again and I felt him smile into my forehead. God I love that man, my best friend in the entire world, I love him so much. Wait...what? Haha I giggled to myself, convinced that my thought was just me being half asleep still. "Morning beautiful," he whispered into my forehead.
"Morning my prince," I responded. "Did you sleep well?"
"Very. I felt very comforted in your arms." He giggled. I felt so loved.
"So do you want to spend all day in bed? I mean...on the play station?"
"That sounds nice," he smiled at me. I really didn't feel like doing much today and I was glad he didn't either.

Best friends - Flones slash (mcfly/mcbusted)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora