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*Danny POV*

It was unusual not to have the whole fandom know that me and tom were dating yet. Normally it would have been out in an hour but we managed to keep it between us four. Yes, of course we told Harry and Dougie. They were thrilled for us! We'd been sneaking around for a few months now. Me and Tom hated it, we barely got any alone time with all the camera men sneaking around. One day we got caught by a camera man at rehearsals, roaming each other's body's and making out. He apologised and walked off but we knew it wouldn't be long until the word got out into the world.

We were getting ready to go on tour. I remember the rehearsals well, constantly catching Toms eye as he seductively bit his lip. You can imagine what came later...

*Toms POV*

I remember the night well. November 19th 2008, Wembley Arena - Keep Calm And Play Louder tour. Wembley - the biggest arena in the country. Me and Danny barely left each other alone on stage anyway so no one suspected a thing. I was there comforting him through 'Not Alone', constantly smiling at each other. We got to the final song...this was it. I placed my guitar on the floor and so did Danny. We walked towards each other as the drum and bass continued to play.

"MAY I PRESENT TO YOU...FLONES!" Dougie boomed through the whole arena.

I put my hand through Danny's sweaty hair, his hand tangled in mine. We both leant in.

We kissed.

In front of the whole of Wembley Arena.

Cheers. Everywhere.

It was the best night of my life.


*Danny POV*

Yes, we lost a couple fans, but all who stayed supported us. We felt so free, we could walk around holding hands. He was mind forever.

I woke up the next morning in the hotel room, my legs and arms tangled amongst Toms. The memories of last night came flooding back and made me smirk slightly. I thought he was asleep and kissed him on the forehead - "I love you." I whispered into his forehead. He clearly wasn't asleep as he responded.
"I love you so much more."
"We'll see about that." And with that, I took him into another adoring kiss until we got carried away, feeling happy.

The End <3

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