because you came out to your dad. you said you didnt want to, so now i feel guilty.

george, i'm fine. i promise.
also can i come inside?


i'm outside your house sitting in my car

i sat up and got out of my bed. i walked over towards my window and saw dream parked on the side of the street. i could see him looking down at his phone.


look at my window

i smiled at my window and looked at dream. i saw him look up from his phone and laugh.

cute ;)

come inside

i rushed downstairs and over to the front door. right as i opened the door dream looked up.

"hi, dream."

"hey, george."

"i left my bag back at home," he hesitated.

"it's fine, dream. we can just watch a movie or something."

after talking for another couple minutes we went upstairs into my room. i grabbed my laptop and sat down on my bed. dream sat down next to me. we were both sitting up with our back up against the wall.

i handed my laptop to him and let him pick a movie. he turned on a random movie and put the laptop on the bed in between us.

"my neck hurts for having to look down," he complained.

"uhm, how do we make it taller," i asked. "we can get a blanket or-"

"just sit next to me end we can put it on both of our legs," he interrupted.

"dream, i feel like a-"

"george," he spoke.


i moved over and sat right next to dream. he set the laptop down on both of our legs. at first it was awkward, but when the movie continued to play we got more comfortable.

we continued to watch the movie while sitting next to each other. if i was being honest the movie was getting bored.

i continued watching it, though. i didn't want to shut it off if dream enjoyed it.

it was silent for another ten minutes until dream broke it with a sigh. "this is getting boring," he admitted.

"about time ," i laughed. "i've been bored."

"why didn't you tell me? i could've shut it off."

"i didn't want to say anything. i didn't want you to shut it off if you were enjoying it."

"george, you're fine," he laughed. "i'll never be mad at you."

i didn't know how to respond, so i smiled.

"how about we shut this off and go do something else."

he shut my laptop off and set it down on the bed next to us.

"what should we do now?" i asked.

"well, i heard tonight there's this-" he stopped himself. "nevermind."

"oh come on, say it," i said nudging his shoulder.

"there's this party, but..."

"we should go to it then."

"george, last time-"

"dream, i don't care what happened last time. lets just go to the party later, alright?"

he nodded.

"do you know where it is, and when?" i asked.

"yeah, it's at 10pm and i have the address."

"okay, how about i pick you up and we go?"

"sure," he smiled.

"perfect, then i'll see you later"


it was now around 9:30pm and i started to get ready for the party. i put on a pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt. once i was done getting ready i texted dream telling him i was on my way.


i'm omw. be ready

already ready.

perfect. cya

i shut my phone off and put it into my pocket. i opened my window and quietly climbed out of it. once i was out on the roof i shut the window.

i got into my car and backed out of the driveway. i drove away quickly hoping my parents wouldn't hear it. i drove to dreams house which wasn't too far from mine. i pulled in front of his house and shut my car off while i waited for him to come out. i pulled out my phone and told him i was here.

about a minute later i saw him sneak out his window and run towards my car. he got in and looked at me with a smile,"are you ready to go get drunk?" he asked excitedly.

"hm, i don't know. i'm kind of the one driving," i laughed.

"just drive," he laughed in response.

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