Introductions {1}

Start from the beginning

Bryan was my older brother.

Bryan Sorenson, all American perfect guy. Like me, he had his scars from being raised by my step mother--his real mother--and our father who never really paid either of us any attention. Long story short, my dad couldn't keep it in his pants which was also the reason our folks were divorced now.

Anyway, Bry managed to get himself a scholarship and was going to a college all the way in freaking Tennessee called Vanderbilt.

Needless to say, he was busy so we didn't talk much and I didn't get to see him so I've been going through a kind of withdrawal I guess. Bry was my only family--my only real family--and it was hard being so far apart from him for the first time in my life.

"I know. I just miss him," I said to Wil.

We made our way into the school smiling and nodding at those who were brave enough to and those who didn't care about the Rank Rivalries.

Sighing hard, I quietly asked, "So we got 9 new guys coming in, I'm guessing to 'fix' our school and we've still got to handle the double R's."

"The Rank Rivalries meeting won't take up too much time. You and the other 1s have to have that meeting. Greg's followers have been getting out of hand with the way they bully the freshman, and that Friday Fall thing from last year can't happen again. We had cops here for months afterwards since that kid actually died. Rocky..I don't know what you can do about him but he doesn't deserve to be a 1 if you ask me."

Some people didn't think I deserved to be a 1 either. It didn't hurt that Bry was a 1 when he was here, When he graduated last year without having a 2, he left that rank open. I wasn't even a 2 or 3 back then but I earned my rank and now I had my own followers.

"This meeting is just to set up some new guidelines for this month. It should be at least. I don't think we're going to do anything about ranks right now."

"So the double R's are fine and you've got that handled. What are you gonna do about these new guys?"

I thought about that for a moment.

Seriously speaking, I couldn't afford 9 new protectees. But then I said to Wil, "2 of them are footballers you said. They'll likely fall under Rocky. Which means he gets too more airbrained followers. You were saying something about one of them being really smart right? He'll probably get bullied by Greg, so I should bring him in as soon as possible."

We moved and sat at my table. It was strategically placed just so that I could watch everybody in the room. All the 1s had personal tables in the corners.

"Sang we can't really keep bringing in any and everybody. I know--" he continuedly hurriedly seeing as I was about to protest, "that you have this save everybody thing going on and I'm grateful for it seeing as you're the reason I don't get my ass handed to me every single day. But you can't protect everybody Sang. And you're gonna make Greg and Rocky skittish if they think you're getting too many followers. We don't want another Last Day do we?"

I rolled my eyes but shuddered at the name everybody had given that day.

That day that had caused so many injuries, so many hurt people, so many people actually just walking out of school and never coming back... That day that Bry had taken as a personal failure as a 1. That day pretty much broke my brother and he, from that day on, barely took in any new protectees leaving a lot of people to fend for themselves or to join Rocky or Greg's sides which only hurt Bry's side more. That day where Rocky and Greg actually worked together and pretty much blitz attacked Bryan and his followers in the middle of the school day.

Yeah, we didn't need another Last Day.

"Well. What do you suggest we do?"

"Let the 2s in on the meeting. Jay can keep Rocky calm. I'll be there to help you out."

"Yeah, but Eddie is worse than Greg. He'll only encourage Greg's backwards thinking."

"Yes, true, but still, having me and Jay there can only help you and Rocky. We can ignore Eddie's negativeness for the time being."

I thought about that for a moment.

Yes, I had made Wil my 2nd officially. It was important that my followers knew what the chain of command was so that if they needed help they could come to me or they could go to Wil and either way it would still get handled.

The problem with that was that it left Wil open to getting threatened or bullied if he wasn't careful. Greg was just stupid enough to gang up on Wil if he caught him alone.

Bringing Wil to that meeting would only incite Greg's hatred towards him, and make Wil an even bigger target.

Still, Wil's plan had merit.

"Ok, text the other 1s and 2s and let them know that I want 2s at the meeting. If the 1s have a problem with it, you know what to do."

He smirked at me, "Yeah, let Jay know that Rocky doesn't trust him and let Eddie know that Greg thinks he's not worthy of a 1 meeting. Sow the seeds of jealous and mistrust and all that other jazz."

I laughed at that and he chuckled along while texting away on his phone.

Just as I finished eating on my apple, he said, "Ok, its done. Meeting's during lunch; this time's in the trailer where that new Doctor is going to teach his Japanese class which----go ahead you can say thank you now."

He paused looking expectant so I just gave in. "Thank you Wil.. Now what am I thanking you for?"

"You have Japanese right before lunch so you can watch Victor Morgan and Dr. Sean Green and then stay right there and the other 1s and 2s and I will come to you for the meeting. I've made your day very convenient."

Giggling, I thanked him again this time sincerely. "You're a lifesaver, or at least an energysaver, Wil."

He nodded and then stood up saying "The bell should go any second--"

And then it did.

Freaky genius material, I'm telling you.

I stood and began walking at his side. "How do you do that? It's freaky."

Laughing he said, "All I have to do is time it. North Taylor and Lucian Taylor are in your first period. Do some recon."

I nodded, "I know I know I know. I can be subtle about this. If North's going to join Rocky, I need to know before he does and jumping right in being abrasive won't help me at all."

We parted ways then and I stood there a moment watching him walk down the hall and enter his classroom. I still watched out for Wil even though he'd told me before he didn't want me to.

I may be little, but I would hurt anyone who hurt my friends. I'd promised not to let my friends and family get hurt when I could do something about it.

Years ago, Bry had made that same promise to me regarding our home life and I made it back to him but neither of us could keep it. Now, it was a promise that being a 1 was going to help me keep. And these new guys weren't going to mess it up.

Word Count: 2554

Sang's the 1: Introductions {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now