"Bruh," I say, "I'd stomp your father in the ground before you could even blink" I continue

This, however, didn't work very well, these guys easily stood a foot taller than me, which meant Harry would have been 2 feet smaller than them.

I guess they must have seen him in action because I'm pretty sure I look stronger than Harry. I look at his axe and metal armour, then at myself with my padded armour and Longsword, you know what...I take that back.

"He's not bad," Harry says to defend me

"Hear that boys, " I taunt them

"However if you want to crush him feel free," Harry says with an agitated look at me...oh no

The guys just laugh, "anyway it's nice to see the faces you have told us about in your stories"

"No way! you tell them stories about us," Qweep says surprised

"N--no," Harry says embarrassed

I didn't get to tease since the meeting was starting.

They sorted party's into areas where they would be most at home at, for example, a tank party, they would keep the boss's attention as others attack it. Eventually, the people who organize the Boss battles came round to us

"Some new faces I see," one of them says

"They are with me, I can vouch for them," Harry says

"Ah, so they are proven, if that's the case I see you have 8 people, so you will have two parties am I correct," they ask

"Yes, the first party can be an attack squad, that will compose of Harry, (U/N), Liz and Punisher, then we also have a support team that will be the rest of us," Jam tells them.

"I see that you are very organized, you must be the Guild Leader," they ask

"Yes, I am" she responds

"Ok, these teams will work out perfectly, we have all the teams now we just need to make a strategy, would you mind if one of you could join us, having insight on your guilds abilities would be very helpful toward planning," they ask

"Of course, I think Punisher is the best with strategy here," Jam tells them

"Psh, it's not like I'm here," I say sadly

"(U/N) you are great at strategy and all, but your teasing gets in the way of everything," Jam tells me

"Eh, I guess so, besides I wouldn't want to listen to that boring crap anyway" I tell her

Punisher walks with the leaders leaving us alone

"Looks like we got time to kill," Qweep says

"Yea," I mutter

"Go socialize with the other guilds, we need to trust them so that they can come through if we need them, right?" Jam says.

Everyone went to talk to other people and I just kinda stood there. I've never been all that good around new people, Max was the total opposite. He would ask a total stranger what they thought of the weather. I just don't have that skill.

The Lightning Swordsman (Remastered Version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin