Blue, Red, and Crackers

Start from the beginning

"You little wh-"

"That's enough, Niji. She's still wanted by the Big Mom family. I believe they're sending a man here now to escort her to Whole Cake Island," Sparking Red said, causing Blue to back up from me. Red looked at me through his weirdly shaped sunglasses and grunted, "Don't be so cocky with us, Silver. Know your place. It's a shame such an attractive woman is acting so distastefully."

I raised a brow, "You're acting like calling me a fucking bastard child isn't distasteful enough? This is why you guys sucked in Sora. Sanji is so much better than you guys."

He stared at me a bit and then replied with, "Well you are a bastard grandchild at least, aren't you? Nonetheless, if you really are released into our custody, I'd gladly fix your attitude."

I rolled my eyes, "At this rate I think I'd rather have Yonji than either of you."

Something about that ticked him off because his mouth opened really quick for more shit to spew out. Thankfully, Reiju showed up before any of it could be said. "A man from Big Mom's family is here to pick you up, (y/n). Let me guide you to the front lawn," she called to me from a few feet away.

"Oh I'll GLADLY let you guide me there," I chirped, smiling smugly at the two cyborg men and continuing on by. Franky is always my number one cyborg. When I got to her, I smiled, "So, who's here to pick me up?"

She led me down a hall as she answered, "He says his name is Cracker. He has purple hair and is fairly tall."

"Cracker...? What kinda name is that...?" I muttered to myself. Reiju expressed her amusement in my reaction by letting out a giggle. Her calm demeanor almost reminds me of Robin.

"It's a shame my father isn't here to see you before you go. I believe he had much to say to you," she thought aloud.

"Well I think its a great thing that I didn't have to meet him," I huffed. Her smile didn't fade at my comment. She's the most mellow of the siblings, for sure. "The only thing that's a shame is the fact that I wasn't able to meet Sanji before I left. That's literally the only reason I didn't make a fuss when coming." She didn't bother to respond, and instead continued to lead me.

I was eventually brought out into the front lawn where a really tall shirtless guy was. He didn't have a shirt on, but he for some reason had a cape over one of his shoulders? His hair style was pretty questionable too. A thick scar crossed over his right eye as well.

"I was told to come here in my actual body in order to greet you, (y/n)," the man said, looking at me not-so-fondly.

Whatever, not my problem. "Sounds good. Let's just get going," I motioned behind him where a path was laid out to get back to a ship, which I'm assuming is his.

He proceeded to walk off, not looking back at me. I went after him, looking up at how tall he was. "Why's the bottom two pieces of your hair have sparks at the ends of it? Do you have little sparkler sticks in there?" I asked as we continued into the island.

"Why do you reject your own blood?" he shot back.

I scratched my cheek, "What do you mean? I like my dad. He's just a little questionable right now. That really came out of nowhere, by the way. Absolutely foul topic to bring up after I mention your hairstyle."

He looked down towards me and sneered, "Your Celestial blood is what I'm speaking of."

My face twisted in distaste, "That? My grandparents didn't even give me a chance, they just threw me in Impel Down, so really, they're at fault here. Nonetheless, I guess I'm still considered part of the 'Celestial race' huh?"

We stopped once we got onto the ship and he stared down at me, "That's partially why Mama wants to meet you in the first place. Don't get out of line though, I'm not afraid of the punishment Mama may give me if I damage you, brat."

I waved a hand dismissively as I sat at the railing of the relatively large ship, "Alright, I'm not looking to fight in the  first place. I was just asking why your hair was sparking. If you don't understand your character design, just say that."

"I do understand it. Firecrackers has crackers in it, and my devil fruit happens to have to do with crackers," he explained with a tone that sounded like he thought he was so smart. 

I let out a laugh and waved my hand, "Good job. How old are you, by the way? I'd guess late 20s or early 30s."

"45," was his answer.

I nearly fell off the boat. "45?! What the fuck... do people just get really tall with age and not get wrinkles nowadays...?" I huffed in surprise.

He rubbed his chin with a kind of creepy grin on his face, completely satisfied with my reaction, "My physique is one of my most prized possessions. Nothing touches me."

"Wow... so are you a virgin?" I asked.

His grin dropped and he completely faced me, "Why would that be a question? Is something wrong with your head?"

"Why would something be wrong with my head? I'm asking the questions that need to be asked. Questions that everyone wants to know," I defended. I then leaned back and sighed, "I don't know any women that're as tall as you, though. If you aren't a virgin, that'd truly be a mystery."

"This must be what they meant by the worst generation," he grunted before walking off into the ship's cabin.

Sorry it's been a minute. SOOO many things just happened tbh and I've just been mentally exhausted. Anyway, AYOOOO I've got 103 followers rn, thanks a bunch! Love u... sorry this was a short chapter....

I had a dream last night where I thought I finished this. Also BAHAHAHAHA I GOT WHISLTED AT ON THE FUCKING STREET? AND CALLED TO FROM PASSING CARS? I should be uncomfortable but that shit made me laugh hard asf for some reason.

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