Episode 30

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It's early morning! Sam woke me up and he blindfolded me and took me somewhere in the bike, that too my favourite Royal Enfield! I shoot my question towards him! But, he didn't even respond to it! I know he will never open his mouth! I just hugged him from back by keeping my head on his shoulder! The place is hilly I think! The road is very criss crossed! He stopped the bike approximately after half an hour! He got down and make me to get down!! He held my hand firmly! Even I held him! We walked for a while! He made me sit somewhere! I sat there safely!

After minutes, he removed my blindfold! He made me turn to another side! It's my favourite spot!!
A view of Sunrise! It's one of my bucket list! To view a sunrise in hilly area! I turned to him and I saw him! He is kneeling down with a ring in his hand and proposing me! Tears filled in my eyes! My happiness has no bounds! I extended my hand and he inserted the ring in my finger! I pulled him towards me and hugged him! He hugged me back! I kept a long kiss in his forehead! Suddenly, I felt someone is pinching my cheeks! I opened my eyes and I saw I'm in my room! Ayooo! Is that a dream?! Will this dream comes true! My cheeks are red coz of blushing!! I got up and emptied the water bottle and fell in my bed!


I can't sleep in the night! I looked at the time! It's just 11'! I got up and went to Siv's room! I slowly peeked inside! I saw her sleeping cutely by hugging the teddy which I gave to her for her 18th birthday! She loved Teddy! Even, she kept the name as "HAPPY"! Whenever, she is angry on me, she will smash that teddy! I just think of that moments! I sat near her! I slowly caressed her hair! I looked at her! She is murmuring in her sleep! I bend down to hear that! After hearing my name in my mouth, I looked at her shock! Am I that important to her ? What I did to deserve her! I slowly caressed her hair! I pinched her cheeks! She tried to open her eyes! Immediately, I hide myself under her cot! She got up and emptied her water bottle and fell on her bed! I just chuckled and sat in the chair looking at her! I don't know when I slept! I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and got up! I looked at the time! It's 5.20'! I stood up and went to my room! Coz she wil got up at anytime! I went to my room and I just fell down on my bed! After few minutes, I hear a door sound! I slightly open my eyes and I saw Siv coming towards me! I closed my eyes to see what she is upto!


Everything around me is feeling good! Thinking of yesterday's incidents with My Boy makes me blush also that dream!!! Ayo! My cheeks are burning coz of blushing! He just easily bring me out! I got up coz of my alarm! I looked at the clock! It's just 5.30'! I think this Bhuvi kept this alarm! She is the one who kept alarm in my mobile to wake me up! Even she is with me or without me, she will always thinks about me and she used to know what I'm upto! I'm just missing my time with her! We used to talk various things then! But, now we both are busy in our things! I want to go out with her! Just we both! An alone time with her! Loads of things are there to talk with her! I just want to ask about Deepan anna to her! I want to talk to her about everything!

I got up from my bed and did my morning routines! I went to Sam's room! I slowly opened the door and went in! I looked at him! He is sleeping peacefully by hugging his pillow! How dare he! I'm here know! Why he is hugging that pillow! Ayoo, why I'm like this? Coz of him.. I'm talking to a pillow! My cheeks are blushing! I went near him and sits at the edge of the bed! I tickled his leg! But, there is no response from him! Again I tickled him! Same this time! This man is fully immersed in his sleep! I got up and sits near his face! I caressed his hair! He smiled! Ayo! His smile! This is enough to make me flat! Mudila da saamy! I slowly touched his forehead! He didn't even respond! Over ah panra da nee! Onaku iruku! I know, he is very tired! So, I let him sleep! I slowly pecked his forehead and got up from the bed! But, within a fraction of second I'm in the bed! I just closed my eyes in shock! After minutes, I opened my eyes and looked at my side! His eyes are wide open! His smile is enough for me! I can go to hell to make him smile!! I looked at him shocked! Words are not coming in my mouth! He pulled me into his embrace!! Am I dreaming or is this true! He started to talk!

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