Episode 22

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Amru POV

The day started smoothly! I told everyone about the proposal matter! They all wished me! They felt genuinely happy for us! So, that I called them as my Family! Everything went good! Myself and Sri went to Sam's apartment! I went to girls room! Whereas Sri went to them! We got ready! All of our outfits are damn good! Siv went to see the boys! Bhuvi and Madhu went out! I was just sitting in the bed and scrolling my mobile! After few minutes, Siv runned to me and hugged me! Ayo! I don't know why! Her eyes are fully red and swollen!
Few minutes before, she tried hard not to laugh but now, she is crying hard! Within few minutes, what happened to her! I just patted her shoulder to make her calm!

Amr: Siv! Look at me! What happened da? Did anyone scold you?
Siv: ......
Amr: Baby! Come get up! See me!
Siv: (Weep)... Sam... Sam...
Amr: What happened to him?
Siv: Noth.. Nothing.. Don't say this.. to anyone...
Amr: Look da! I won't say to anything! But, tell me what you are upto! Before that, come sit! Just calm! I'm here know! Take deep breath!
Siv: .....
Amr: Now! Say!
Siv: I went to see Sam and Anna's! Deepan anna asked Sam that he has any interest on me?
Amr: Sam told yes ah??
Siv: ..... (Sob! Sob!)
Amr: Siv!
Siv: Ila da! He told that he see me as his friend!
Amr: What?
Siv: Yes!
Amr: Wait! I'll ask him!
Siv: Amru! No da! I don't want to disturb him! If he come to know about this.. definitely I'll lost my friendship with him! Let it be..! Let it be in my heart......!
Amr: Siv! No da!
Siv: I'll be alone for sometime! Please!
Amr: Take care da!

I don't know why Sam told like that! I know he has some feelings towards her! But, seriously he is seeing her as a friend ah? In this situation, how I will confess my feeling to Sri?! No, I'm not going to say anything to him! I want Siv to be normal first! I want to tell this to someone! But whom? Okay! Let me wait! I'll wait till evening! We went to college in the evening! Party started! These three really sings well! But, I know how Siv feels! Her eyes are fully red! They comes down!

Bhu: You three sung really well!
Sam: Thanks da!
Siv: Thank you!
Amr: You guys carry on! Myself and Siv will be back in few minutes!
Bhu: Why.?
Sam: Why? Is there any problem?
Amr: Ayo! Ila na!

Dee: Aprm enna?
Amr: Neenga ponga! Five minutes! We will be back!
Mad: Ava thn solra la! Vaanga polam!
Sam: Take care.!
Amr: Okay na!

Siv: Say! Amru! What happened?
Amr: Siv! I'll propose him another day da! Not now! Will go home!
Siv : Ay! Ennachu? Ethathu problem ah?
Amr : Ila Siv! This is not correct time!

Nee ipdi irukapo.. How can I?
Siv: Amru! It's not like that da! You love him! I know he too loves you! You both will be a good pair! Please don't think about anything! I want you to be happy! I want you both to be happy! So, you confess him today itself!
Amr: Siv!
Siv: End of discussion! You're going to propose him today!! That's it! Dot!

Amr: Mm!
Siv: Don't be sad da! Everything happens for a reason! If it needs to happen... It'll happen! Please don't worry about me! You be strong! I'm going home!
Amr: What? No way! You should come! Or else I'm not going to say anything to him! I know you are the most important person in his life! And so mine! Please Siv!

Siv started to cry! She hugged Amritha!
Amr: No Siv! Don't cry! Everything will be alright! Come will go to them!
Siv: Seri da!

They both went to others! Amritha said some reason and left her with Sam! Others are in the dance floor!

Sam: Siv! Is everything okay?
Siv: Yes Sam! All okay!
Sam: Look at me and say! Why are you avoiding me from morning?
Siv: Mm.. Ah.. Nothing like that!
Sam: Open ah tryuthu! Nee avoid panrathu!
Siv: Nothing Sam! Leave it!

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