Chapter 2

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Ladybug was now face to face with Cat Blanc. She had no idea what to say. So she got an idea. What if she acted like she had no idea who this person was. No that was crazy! Maybe even nuts.

"Hello Ladybug," Cat Blanc said.

" Who are you," Ladybug said, acting as if she had no idea who it was. Maybe this would work out to her advantage.

" You really can not tell," Cat Blanc asked.

" Cut the chit-chat," Ladybug said, annoyed and irritated.

" Okay I will, when you admit you know exactly who I am," Cat Blanc responded smirkingly. Oh great, he knew. He knew that she knew who he was. Well, I guess her plan kinda failed. But all is not lost yet.

" Well, I guess the cats out of the bag, Cat Blanc," Ladybug said.

" Should I call you M'lady or Bugaboo," Cat Blanc asked.

" Ladybug will be just fine, What should I call you Cat Blanc or Cat Noir," Ladybug said. Hoping that no one is hearing their conversation.

" Cat Blanc is fine," Cat Blanc responded. They kept staring at each other with wide eyes. Ladybug started thinking about what was her next move. She needed to get Alya but she knew Cat Blanc would follow her unless. She had an idea of using the horse miraculously and combined it with it and transported it to Alya's home. But first, she did not think her conversation with Cat Blanc was over.

" So what are you doing here," Ladybug asked.

" Do you really not know bugaboo," Cat Blanc said.

" Let me guess you want my miraculous to make a wish, to make everything go back to the way it was," Ladybug said.

" Preciously," Cat Blanc said.

" Yeah I have done this before," Ladybug said. That's when Ladybug heard footsteps coming behind her. And she knew exactly who it was.

" So who are we dealing with today, M'lady," Cat Noir said.

" Well well, well," Cat Blanc said.

" Who is he?" Cat Noir asked Ladybug.

" Are you going to explain Ladybug, or should I," Cat Blanc said. Chat Noir looked so confused about what the akumatized victim was saying. Ladybug was at a loss for words. What the heck was she going to say? Hey Cat Noir, this dude is you akumatized when you found out who I was? No way. Then she came up with a plan. She quickly combined her Miraculous with the miraculous of the horse and used her teleportation power to teleport her and Cat Noir somewhere else.

" You can run m'lady but you can't hide," Cat Blanc said. Ladybug used her power to teleport her and Cat Noir to an alleyway near Alya's house. Then she quickly divided her miraculous from the horses and then placed the miraculous back into her yoyo which transported it to the miraculous box.

" Umm Ladybug what was he talking about," Cat Noir asked confusedly.

"It's," Ladybug said.

"It's a long story," Ladybug said. Taking a deep breath and pausing to get Cat Noir's reaction towards her rapid response.

" What does that mean, have we fought this person before," Cat Noir asked.

" No we have not but I have," Ladybug responded sadly while staring at the ground trying to not make any eye contact with Cat Noir.

" What does that mean," Cat Noir asked, confused and more paranoid.

" Nothing just......," Ladybug said. Cat Noir put his hand on the ladybug's shoulder and looked deeply into her eyes.

" M'lady you can tell me what's going on," Chat Noir said.

" Except, I can't," Ladybug said, looking down on the ground and being so upset. Chat Noir looked upset and he definitely wanted to say something.

" But why," Cat Noir said quietly and slowly.

" Because, Because..... I can't tell you or it, it would," Ladybug said, pushing back her tears and feelings down deep, deep low. She then grabbed her yoyo and left the scene but before she did that she said another thing.

" Cats do not go and fight the villain, just go home," Ladybug said slowly. She then left and headed to Alya's house. But behind her, she saw Cat with disappointment. But she left because she knew she would break and tell him everything and she couldn't do that no matter what. If she did not want to make matters worse, she had to say nothing. But seeing Cat's face when she left was enough to make her guilt levels rise to 100. Oh how much she wishes she could tell him. No Marinette. Snap out of it. We have too much to worry about to be thinking about Cat Noir. Marinette quickly cleared her mind and ran towards Alya's home. Oh, she was scared for sure without a doubt in her mind. 

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