Mum started tearing up, "My little girl, I don't wish to loose you"

"Lose you?" Keigo suddenly peered in from the hallway


"What is she talking about?" He looked suddenly upset

"Oh honey I..." mum tried to find her words, "I'll leave you two to talk"

I glare at mum as she left frusterated that I've been left with this explanation, "Keigo, come sit"

He came over looking confused, "Please tell me what's going on"

"Look" I sigh, "I have...well a curse. An old one at that"

"Curses can be broken though right?" He grabbed my hands grabbing my attention

"Well. Yes" I shrug, "Old curses are hard. I know how it's broken but. I can't tell anyone how to break it. Plus I can't break it myself"

"What is the curse?"

"It's a curse on my magic. You weren't the first to question it and deem it unfair" I chuckle lightly

"Ok but what does it do?"

"Keigo, no matter what happens to me it won't kill you. The bond only works that YOU can't kill me not-"

"I Don't care about the bond! Tell me what is going to happen to you?!" He looked upset emphasizing his words by shaking my hands with each phrase

Deep breaths. I don't like seeing him so upset. Its going to get me upset, "It's slowly turning me to the earth. My tendons into vines, my blood shall be but water. My skeleton will be overgrown with moss before ever even seeing light. That's not what'll kill me though. I have a waterlily growing in my heart. On the day it blooms. I guess it won't be my problem anymore"

"If it's your magic then stop using it" Keigo looked pleading

"Kei, its not the magic I expell, its on the magic I produce" I rub a thumb over his knuckles to soothe, "Its enviable"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"We've only traveled together for meer days" I smile lightly, "I figured once I taught you enough you'd be on your way anyway and you wouldn't need to know"

"You weren't going to even tell me?" He looked heart broken

"What would it change?" I hum

"Well...I co-...nothing..." he sulked

I sigh and let go of his hands, "My fate is sealed. I'm still going to teach you all about mortals and fae while I can though. Come, its late and rest is needed"

He nodded and soon enough we split to our different rooms. Him to the guest room and me into mine.

The morning came early when I went to the kitchen to greet my mother who stared out the window.

"Beautiful morning" I comment

"3 crows" Mum side eyed me

"3? There must be more somewhere"

"Nope, I've counted over again. Only 3"

"Well good thing I don't believe such silly superstition" I hum starting breakfast

"I caught the lad in the hall last night you know" mum peered over the rim of her cup at me

"Oh really? Did he get lost?"

"Lost indeed to be at your door"

"Any reason?"

"Oh im sure he had one, but he seemed to have lost it the minute I caught him. Immediately falling into a fit of excuses" mum chuckled

I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"I don't think 3 crows could be wrong"

"Mum, I am not going to marry any time soon" I finally nip

"That's not what the crows say" mum muttered into her cup before taking a long sip

I glare but bite my tongue hearing Keigos door close and him come down the stairs, "You two sure are up early"

"How did you sleep deary? After your night adventure?" Mum smiled over her cup of tea innocently

"Fine" Keigo smiled awkwardly sitting down, "So breakfast?"

"Any particular reason you were visiting my daughters room last night?" Mum pressed

"Mum! Leave him alone" I huff.

"No no its fine" Keigo raised his hand in surrender, "I... just kinda got lonely. I hadn't slept alone since I started traveling with her"

Mum about did a spit take, "What!?"

Keigo you numb skull, do you want my mum to kick you out!? "Mum it's my what you think. We shared trees and a bed while traveling for expenses reasons"

"And he didn't sleep on the floor?" Mum raised a brow

"I did, when I got in trouble I did" Keigo tried

"And on good nights?"

"We cuddled"

It was my turn to nearly spit take. Keigo is making this situation so much more complicated than it needs to be. My mother has quite the grin, that of a cat whos caught a fat mouse.

"Cuddled? And who may I ask taught you that?"


"Kei," I interupt, "can you go chop the firewood out back please? We need more for the stove?"

"Oh well I-" he started

"Thank you" I smile watching the fight leave him and him get up and head out back

"Cuddling?" Mum hummed

I internally groan, "Im going to go get some water from the well"

Keigos POV

I huff looking at the fresh pile. I feel like this wasn't an actual task though. She isn't mad at me again is she? I don't get it. Mortal customs are weird. Or are these fae customs?

I am brought back when Mum walks out, "Keigo. How is the wood going?"

"Good. I should finish up in a few?" I smile widely trying to be friendly

"Tell me dear, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

Intentions? "To travel with her I guess"

"No romantical pursuits?"

Romantical? I've heard if romance before. Its another thing related to lust and love. I would say not but...I do want to kiss her. Would that be romantical? I like to cuddle and recieve affection more than anything.

"I enjoy receiving affection from her" I respond truthfully

"Affection such as?"

"Being honest we've only cuddled, and it's really only been for protection and convenience" I shrug grabbing a new log to cut since I had my break

"You know my daughter does fancy you"

"Well I figure she would have to like me enough to deal with me" I shrug

"What do you get from... traveling with my daughter?"

"Knowledge" I shrug

"Mum are you bothering Keigo!" (Y/N) interrupted looking frusterared from the back door

"Not at all dear" she turned back to me, "I hope ya can do what I can't"

"And that is?"

"Expect nothing in return one day" she sighed heading back inside starting to lightly bicker with her daughter

(This story is running long but that's how they all do. Hopefully I'll wrap it up next chapter? Maybe? Idk)

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