We head back to the penthouse. Tony gets a bottle of whiskey and starts drinking it. "Tony, that isn't the best idea. Please." I begged as he took huge gulps. "Please Tony, I need you sober please." I begged as I cried, "Please Tony." I looked at him as I fell to the ground crying. I hear him set it down and come over, enveloping me in a hug. "I'm sorry I'm not used to having you with me on their death anniversary." I shake my head as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm here Tony and I am not leaving you." He nods as I feel him shake from under me. I then hear him sobbing. I hold him tighter, eventually we stop but not until the early morning do we go to sleep, even then not getting some sleep. When I do wake up it is noon. I walk out of my room and see Tony already up drinking coffee.

I went over, he slid a cup my way, I drank it slowly as we watched the news about us. How we were here to visit our mothers grave and everyone gets to know my name, lot's of questions went around on who I was but now it was all cleared up, I was back, the long lost sister of Tony Stark. Huge story! I roll my eyes at my thoughts. "Biggest story ever." I say sarcastically. He chuckles. "Sorry about last night." "It's ok Tony. Come on so we can head back to New York." He nods, I get up and take a shower getting dressed in some black skinny jeans with a dark navy blue shirt and a denim jacket over it.

I put on my converse then brushed my hair and left it down. I walked out with my stuff to see Tony dressed and ready on the couch. "I gotta say you have some style." He looks back and chuckles. We get up and walk out. We get in the limo and to the airport, passed the press and on the jet. Tony sets the jet to go home then he joins me in the back. "What are you going to do when we get home?" "Probably train." He nods.

The times goes slowly until we arrive at the Tower. We get out, I head to my room and change into training clothes. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and head down to the training room. There I see Clint, Nat and Steve. They hear me walk in and smile. They all jog over, Steve arrived first and hugged me then Nat and Clint. "Saw the news yet?" "Yeah." Nat said, I hum and walk over to the punching bag bandaging up my hands and started.

I did a little bit of everything. I trained with everyone and practiced on everything. I was getting good on controlling my powers better. Steve helped me a lot, we've been getting closer and closer every day. We have become best friends and I think I might like him more then a friend. I've been thinking about my feelings for him for a while. I've watched how he acts around everyone, he seems closer to me then anyone but he's been with them for quiet some time.

I've been trying not to get my hopes up but it's been hard. He only sees me as a best friend, a sister at best. I've told him most of my secrets then the others, besides Tony. Every little thing he does like opening a door for me, it makes me blush, I try and control them but sometimes it's hard. And when I wake up with nightmares and wake him up also doesn't help my feelings at all when he stays with me until I fall asleep, sometimes he falls asleep to.

I come out of my head to someone calling my name. I look and see Steve crouched in front of me. "Are you ok?" I nod with a little blush, "Yeah I'm tired." He nods. "Have you gotten anyone Christmas presents yet?" I nod, "What did you get me?" He asks, "No telling." He chuckles, "Who does the decorations?" "We all do, we are a little behind though. Why don't we ask the others?" I nod with a smile. We head to the boxing ring where Clint and Nat were. "Hey wanna decorate the house?" I ask, they both stop, "YES!" I laugh and we all run to the elevator.

"Jarvis ask the others if they want to decorate the house."

Right on it Ms. Talia.

We get up to the living room and see boxes already there. Tony was there wearing a Christmas Santa hat. I laugh at him and run over stealing it from him. "Ok let's get this done!" Tony yelled. We all cheered and blared music, Clint and Natasha went to get the tree. They came back with a huge tree 10 feet tall.

Steve Rogers Love and Tony Stark's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now