Chapter IV- Mutants?

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

The demon sucked out the breath of the young boy. Chuckling at her victory, she gained the power of mind control. "This will be very useful." She said before teleporting back to Shredder's headquarters. The boss himself awaited the demon.

"When will your soldiers find those girls?" She asked, bowing to the man in metal armor. "We will strike tonight, Aito." He replied. "They will stay alive until I have the turtles and their rat master." He added. Aito scoffed before exiting the throne room.

Who does this damn mortal think he is? Find those freaks and keep those girls alive until we find them. They'll kill me before I have the chance to kill them.


Elaine's POV

Another day of work gone by without a doubt. We started writing the lyrics to our debut song 'Carnival.' To be honest, it definitely sounds like a song with a mix of horror and fantasy and that was exactly what we were aiming at.

"So I was thinking.." I said before Laur spoke up. "Uh oh, she's thinking." We all chuckled at her statement. "Why don't we all go over to my place to hang out." The three other girls nodded in agreement before walking towards their cars.

It was around 10pm, I decided to put little Della to sleep while us girls hung out in the living room. "So Liss, isn't your brother worried about you?" Lily asked the purple haired girl sitting on the couch. Her hair cascaded past her shoulder all the way down to her waist, she wore a rose gold Adidas tee shirt and jeans that had scrapes on the knees.

"I already told him that I'll be home late. I'm just hoping he fed Olivia." All four of us laughed at her statement. I glanced over at Lilith as she wore her fake smile. Her blonde hair was put up into a messy bun at the top of her head. Her skin was pale, making her freckles really stand out. She wore a hunter green sweater and black jeans.

Sitting next to her was Laurel, who's long brown hair went halfway down her back. Her green eyes laid upon my purple haired friend who was talking about her black cat. Laur wore a black cropped hoodie with jeans. Her golden lab, Ollie, was laying down behind her being all cute.

There was suddenly a loud thud coming from the roof, causing the four of us to turn to each other in confusion. "I'll check it out." Laurel spoke up before walking into my room where the window was. "Alone?" Felicity asked, raising a brow.

"Um...yeah." She replied, climbing through the window and to the fire escape. "We're going with her." My words were on cue when we heard a scream. The three of us climbed out of the window and quickly raced up the fire escape. There we saw Laurel being held down by two...ninjas? There were about a dozen ninjas surrounding us, including a Japanese woman with black hair and pink highlights.

"You three will surrender or I will order my ninja to cut her throat." She pointed towards the ninja on Laurel's left, holding the shiny blade to her neck. "What the hell do you want?!" Liss snarled. "Just for the four of you to come with us without a fight." The woman replied, an evil smirk was worn across her face.

My blood began to boil, this bitch is holding my friend at knifepoint. I could hear a slight growl coming from Lilith. Before I knew it, she had shifted into a big ass grizzly bear. "Shoot it!" The Japanese woman screamed. The soldiers began firing their guns, bullets were flying everywhere.

Felicity went back to go get Della. I could feel Odette trying to claw her way through my head and before I knew it, she was in control.

Laurel's POV

Elaine's eyes were black like the night sky. The Japanese woman still had me at knifepoint, which is dumb. I decided to punch the guy holding a knife to my throat, causing him to stumble back a bit. I punched him in the stomach yet again, but this time he sliced the knife at my arm. It took about five seconds before it healed.

Most of the soldiers were distracted with grizzly Lilith to focus on me. One of the bullets managed to land in Lilith's shoulder. She winced in pain as she shifted back to her normal self. Elaine was dealing with a few soldiers, or should I say Odette. Two more soldiers emerged from the red head's home. Felicity was knocked out cold while Della was screaming for her mother.

"You better surrender or my ninja will drop the annoying child down to her death." The woman smirked. Elaine's eyes were back to their normal icy blue color, Lilith slowly peered upwards but then passed out, while I stood my ground. I charged at the woman, but before I could reach her, I felt a bullet lodge deep into my chest.


Darkness. That was all I could see. I could taste metal in my mouth, it was bitter and it made me cringe in my head. I could smell chemicals, blood, and the...sewers? Okay then, where the fuck am I?

"What do you wanna do with the body?" I heard a muffled voice. It was a male voice, he sounded like a brute.

"I think we should bury her." Another voice spoke up, an intelligent voice.

"In broad daylight? Absolutely not!" The same rough voice spoke up, only this time he was yelling.

Suddenly, I started choking. It wasn't my own saliva, it was metal. I shot up from where I laid, coughing up blood before I spit out a bullet. It landed in my hand, covered in spit and blood. I let out a few heavy breaths before peering upwards.

These guys weren't human. They were giant turtles! One was wearing a purple mask with glasses. He had a pair of goggles that you would see in some SciFi movie sitting on the top of his head. He wore cargo pants that were held up by suspenders as well as combat boots. I could see that he had some kind of staff on his shell.

The other turtle was wearing a red mask, very worn out too. Even though the purple masked turtle was taller, this one was more bulky. It kind of felt intimidating.

"I'm not dreaming. You just came back f-from the dead." That explains why I coughed up a damn bullet and my chest was aching. "I must be dreaming because I'm seeing two giant turtles." I said sarcastically to the purple turtle.

"How did you do that? Are you some kind of ghost?" The red masked turtle became a bit aggressive, nearly slamming his big ass fist into the metal table I was laying on. "No, I'm not." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "I can regenerate, just so you know." I added.

"That shouldn't be physically possible." The purple masked turtle said, his eyes widened while he quickly glanced at his computer screen. "Wait.." I trailed off, realizing that the girls aren't here. "Where are the other three girls that were with me?" I asked frantically, afraid that those ninjas or whatever they are got them.

"Relax sweetheart, they're fine." The red one spoke up. Wait, did he just call me sweetheart? I decided to drop that subject and got off the cool metal table. "Where are you going?" Red asked. "To find my friends." I replied before I heard the door to this...lab swing open.

In front of me was another turtle. Jesus, how many of them are there? This one wore a blue mask. His electric blue eyes were glued onto my emerald green ones. He had two katanas strapped onto his shell. "What the hell.." He mumbled, glancing at the other two turtles.

"She somehow regenerated herself. She's supposed to be dead but here she is." The purple masked turtle explained. I managed to capture a glimpse of the red masked turtle, but I immediately regretted that. He smirked as I awkwardly chuckled to myself. Nice going Laur.

"Where are my friends?" I asked the blue masked turtle as he placed his three fingered hand on my shoulder. "Relax. They're resting, however your blonde haired friend isn't so lucky." The memories on the rooftop flashed before me, I remember Lilith got shot. "Her name is Lilith." I said.

"What's your name sweetheart?" The red masked turtle asked, obviously trying to get under my skin. "Laurel." I responded.

Hehehe the girls (at least Laurel) had finally met the turtles! And Laurel may or may not have a crush on Raph, I know I'm evil.

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