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quackity, sapnap and george left my room about 5 minutes later. mainly because dream had texted george asking him to join him for a dnf stream.

'there's going to be a lot of dnf edits in the next few hours.' karl giggled and he turned off my setup.

'for sure!! it'll be a mixture of you know those hot edits,' i said quoting hot,' sad edits where there'll be clips of them joking about a meet up, and then just happy edits.'

'YESS' karl smiled standing up and picking up the cans, and then putting them in the bin.

'whatcha wanna do.' i smiled standing up too.

'i was gonna say we could look at the stars and stuff but the weather looks awful and i don't want either of us to get ill. there's meant to be the start of a heatwave tomorrow so we could tomorrow.' karl said as we both plopped on the end of my bed.

'heatwaves you say?' i smirked.

'y/n.' karl giggled.

'but tonight we could just chill i suppose.' karl smiled, and i was happy enough to do that.

'imma change into some shorts and brush my toothies.' i smiled going to my drawers and getting a pair of black shorts.

'okay i'm going to change too.' karl smiled.

'karl you might aswell move your suitcase in here.' i laughed just as i went to the bath room and changed and started to brush my teeth.

'y/n is it good to come in.' karl said at the door. as i couldn't verbally reply because of me brushing my teeth, i went and opened the door. karl also started to brush his teeth too.

'we are hygienic.' i laughed as he put his brush down on the side.

'kaaaaarl.' i said looking up at him.

'y/nnn.' he replied in the same tone, engulfing me into a huge hug.

'can we take a photoooooo?' i said looking up at him, pouring out my bottom lip.

'YES YES YES YES YES.' karl said. i pulled out my phone from the the hoodie pocket and took the photo.

 i pulled out my phone from the the hoodie pocket and took the photo

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@ynwastaken yeh we cute or something <3
tagged: @karljacobs_

@karljacobs_ <333


> @wilbursoot i see no lies

@sapnap @quackity he's left us D:
> @quackity he's a bitch we don't need him sapnap
> @karljacobs_ I LOVE U GUYS

'it's so aesthetic.' karl said as we both lied on my bed.

'it do be aww.' i smiled.

'what's the tiiiiiiiime?' karl asked as he failed to reach for his phone that was on my desk.

'it is 12:06.' i replied as i turned my phone on to see the time.

'in a way i'm so tired that i don't think i am anymore.' karl said staring at the ceiling.

'now that my love is a mood.' i said rolling over so my face was resting in my hands, staring at karl.

'i have an idea for what we could do tonight.' i stated a minute later.

'oooh tell me tell me tell me.'

'we could just have some vibey chill music on and be social and then drift into sweet dreams.'

'omg minecrafter streamers being social.' karl said sitting up immediately.

'wow.' i laughed rolling my eyes.

'should we put it on your tv or the pc?' karl asked.

'let's do tv because the remote is right in my hand.'

'that's easy.' karl smiled laying back down next to me, but this time putting his arm around my shoulder. i moved a bit so i was laying on his chest and his arm was around my waist.

'ooh what's the 'less than three' playlist?' karl asked as spotify opened.

'oh that's a playlist of songs that remind me of you.' i said feeling my cheeks blushing.

'aww you made me a playlist.' karl teased.

'shhh.' i giggled burying my head into his chest but laying back on it ten seconds later.

'let's play it then'


i want to be with you [Karl Jacobs x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora