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(time skip)

should we move to the crew boys + hot girl chat?

oh so you FINALLY acknowledged i'm hot

besides the point SEE YOU THERE


I left the voice call with karl, but before joining the crew boys + hot girl call, i went to the toilet.

'Y/N GET ON THE CALL.' Dream shouted from his room.

'I AM GIVE ME A MINUTE.' I laughed going back to my room, and then joining the call.

'Hey hi hi.' I said joining the call and adjusting my headset.

'Y/N.' Quackity smiled.

'BIG Q HEY.' I laughed.

'right does everyone's camera work, obviously dream it doesn't include you.' I laughed.



'all good.'


'mics all good too.' Dream laughed.

'Right okay should we all start recording now and just go with the flow?' I suggested sounding a little nervous.

'yep all good and also y/n there's no need to be nervous it's only us.' Karl smiled.


'excuse me, myself and sapnap have it THE WORST we have to deal with not just dreamnotfound BUT NOW y/n and karl too.'

'we aren't dating guys.' I smiled sternly, because we weren't. right?

'LETS START.' George laughed as i heard the various clicked of recordings starting.

'Dreams hot.' Sapnap blurted out making us all laugh.

'aww is gogy blushing is he jealous is sapnap awh.' Quackity said taunting George.

'woow what a great start.' I laughed.

'so how is everyone?' George laughed, diverting the conversation.

'I'm pretty good thank you.' I replied whilst the other guys replied with various forms of positive ness.

'and how are you gogy?' Quackity smiled.

'yep i'm good thank you.' He laughed.

'Okay so as i new you're a very last minute planned kinda bitch i got some ideas of what we could talk about.' Dream laughed.

'i don't know if to take offence because you called me a bitch, or to thank you for giving me ideas.' I replied.

'SPILL THE IDEAS COME ON.' Sapnap laughed.

'alright okay 1 y/n and karl , in brackets what's going on there, two-.'

'IS THAT ALL YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT.' I laughed putting my head in my hands full of embarrassment.

'well if you guys just tell us what's going on we can move on from it.' george compromised.

'well whatever we said you'd guys would joke about, if we said we weren't dating you'd say we are lying, if we said we are you'd make a lot of jokes.' Karl stated.

'well that's not wrong.' George said.

'i mean you MIGHT as well tell us and everyone listening at home, i bet they are dying to know.'

'you know that stream we did what a month ago now with us all?' George started saying.

'the jackbox one?' Karl asked.

'yep that one. after that stream y/n jacobs was trending.' George smiled.

'OMG I REMEMBER THAT.' I said laughing.

'so are the rumours true?' Sapnap asked, acting like a detective.

'should i explain or?' Karl laughed.

'you go first and i'll add anything if need be.' I replied.

'ok the answer to the question are me and y/n dating... no we aren't but.'


'WHATS THE BUT?' Quackity said get to my excited.

'go on y/n you say.' Karl smiled, knowing i'd get embarrassed saying it.

'for fuck suck fine i'll say, we both kinda said that we-' I started explaining before dream interfered.


'i didn't even finish my sentence.' I laughed.

'Come on please lighten us with the secrets.'

'Karl told me that he had a small, cough huge, crush on y/n. y/n recently, as in VERY recently told myself and dream thats they liked karl.' Sapnap smiled.

'well well the secrets out now isn't it.' I laughed.

'not all the secrets though y/n.' Karl said staring straight into the camera.

i want to be with you [Karl Jacobs x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now