𝟓. 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐲

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Chris keeps looking at me, and softly smiles. "So, it's still your dream job?" he asks. I slowly nod my head, with a little smile on my face. "Enough about me, how are you doing? Any more movies coming up? And oh, how was your family weekend?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

After staying silent for a few seconds, he seems to get that I don't want to talk about it anymore. "A few, yes. Family weekend was great! Does your family do that too?" he asks, and we keep talking about our families for a while.

After a few hours, we wall towards the moxie theater. It's already dark outside, that's amazing because there's less people and a smaller chance of being recognized. We get inside through the back, which is off limits, and sit down in the back.

We watch a whole movie, and get out when everyone is outside. "That was fun" I giggle, taking his arm without thinking about it. "It was! Ready to go home?" he asks, looking at me with a smile.

We get back to his car, and drive over to my place. I told him that he can stay, I don't want him to drive for almost four hours at 2am!

"So here's the guest room, I hope it's okay" I say, opening the door for him. "Ofcourse, it's great. Thank you for letting me stay here, I appreciate it" Chris replies with a smile. "Anytime! Goodnight Chris, just wake me up when something is up, okay? My room is right next to this one" I add.

He nods his head, so I close the door and walk into my own room. Chris and I had an amazing night together. We talked a lot, got to know each other better and did some risky things like being together in public and sneaking though the back of the movie theater.

I'm not like that, not at all! But with Chris, it's different. It feels like it's okay, like it's all going to be okay. The things he said to me at the restaurant really touched me. He's so kind, so caring...

I put on my pajamas, lay down in bed and fall asleep within seconds. I wake up early the next morning, and take a quick shower. I put in some clothes, walk over to the living room and see a little not in the kitchen counter.

"I don't know if you're up,

but I'm getting you some breakfast.

Ill be back in a few.

Oh, and I kind of took your keys...



The only thing I can do, is smile. This is adorable! I softly laugh, until I hear the front door opening. I turn around, take the note in my hand and walk over to the door. "Hey, goodmorning you!" I cheer with a smile on my face. "Hey, goodmorning! I see you found my note" Chris replies as he smiles back at me.

"I did! How did you sleep?" I ask, helping him get the bag of groceries in the kitchen. "I slept amazing, such a comfortable bed you have there. How about you?" he asks in reply.

"I'm glad! Me too, thank you" I say, smiling at him again. "So um, I got you pancakes and fruit. You like fruit, right?" he asks, looking a little nervous. "Yes!" I reply, and I touch his arm for a second.

"Good! Now, go sit down while I make you some pancakes" he chuckles. I sit down on a barstool at the kitchen counter as I softly laugh, watching him trying to find the things he needs.

 I sit down on a barstool at the kitchen counter as I softly laugh, watching him trying to find the things he needs

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