scene twenty five: nostalgia

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"Chan! Over here!"

Chan's head whipped toward the loud sound of Jisung's voice, shouting over the music and chatter of others. 

Jisung and Minho waved him over from where they were situated on two barstools, sipping on soju.

"Hey guys," Chan greeted and quickly flagged down the bartender to order a drink of his own. "I'll take a glass of gin."

"Hard liquor? Are we really that bad to be around?" Jisung teased as Chan held the glass just put in front of him.

"I'm just tired," Chan shook his head and took a sip of the bitter liquid. "Tonight I just want to let loose."

"Go for it," Minho shrugged. "You've been way too stressed out these past few days."

"I know," Chan sighed and ran a distressed hand through his hair. "I'm thinking about dropping the whole case on the cheating scheme."

"Really?" Jisung asked in surprise. "But you could be in serious trouble!"

"Hyunjin almost died and it's doing us no good to keep chasing after dead ends," Chan countered. "All we know is that there is a new wave of racers trying to reach the top through violence and faked accidents."

"You sound like you've given up on racing," Minho lazily pointed out before taking another swig of soju. However, seeing Chan's contemplative expression, Minho's eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "Wait, you can't be serious. Are you actually considering quitting?"

"I don't know," Chan let out an aggravated groan and let his hand drag down his face now. "Racing used to be our lives, Minho, but now, I can't even be bothered to pay it much attention. I'm trying to live my life like Jeongin told me to, but I don't know how. He is my fucking life."

"Aww!" Jisung cooed, immediately receiving a glare from Chan. "What? That was cute. Cheesy, but cute."

"Look, hyung," Minho said, putting a hand on Chan's leather clad shoulder. "Ultimately, the choice is up to you, but don't let go of racing just yet. You're stressed and tired and I know the perfect cure."

"What?" Chan asked, lifting a skeptical brow.

"That's for you to find out tomorrow," Minho smirked. "Now, let's get drunk!"


"Welcome, hyung," Minho said with a devious smirk the next day. 

Chan immediately felt a bit unsettled as he walked into the underground circuit. 

Minho literally looked like a devil incarnate as he leaned against his motorcycle with Chan's next to his.

"What the fuck is this?" Chan asked.

"Remember what we used to do when we were bored or stressed?" Minho retorted, making Chan think. 

He didn't really have time to reminisce on the past years and he usually tried not to.

"Didn't we go to the tunnel and run or ride down it while yelling?" Chan recalled.

There was a tunnel a few minutes out of Busan that was usually abandoned, especially at night. The two boys discovered it years ago when riding around Busan aimlessly and it immediately became a place for them to let out all frustrations and be alone. 

However, over the past year, their trips to the tunnel became less and less and they no longer felt out of place in their lawless lives.

"Bingo," Minho smirked.

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