scene twenty four: the ship is sailing

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"Chan, I need back up," Hyunjin spoke into his phone, nearly out of breath after running. 

Unfortunately, he could only spy and gather information on who was targeting Chan for so long until getting seen and chased down. 

The men were huge and had knives, which they were definitely not afraid to use. 

One of the men even threw his small, yet incredibly sharp knife at Hyunjin. 

It nicked his cheek, leading to a stream of blood pouring down, but he continued to run, his long slender legs carrying him quickly away.

He needed to find a hideout, and fast.

He was still in Seoul so Chan and Minho wouldn't be there to help him and his apartment was too far for him to run with the possibility of him making it there. 

He decided to call Chan in a panic to see if he could get him some help from a connection in the Seoul circuit.

"Hang tight," Chan replied back, his voice still calm, although Hyunjin knew that he was also panicking internally. "I'm going to try and find you someone. Can you give me your location?"

"Downtown Seoul," Hyunjin panted, starting to run again as he began to hear shouting in the distance. "Around that south entrance of the racing circuit."

"Ok," Chan responded. "I'll try to get someone there as soon as possible. Try to hide out until then."

"Ok, hyung," Hyunjin said weakly, his lungs heavy and pulsing.

"Stay safe, Hyunjin," Chan said before hanging up the call. Hyunjin tucked his phone into the back pocket of his black jeans and took off through the darkened alleys and graffiti covered walls. 

He stumbled over the occasional stray piece of litter or a large sidewalk gap, but he pushed himself to keep running. 

He knew that he would tire out soon so he wanted to use his energy to get him as far away as possible from the group of men who only wanted to harm him.

Hyunjin's blurred vision and incredibly fast speed caused him to not see a body in front of him and as a result, he crashed right into the figure, the huge impact causing them both to fall harshly onto the pavement. 

The air flew out of Hyunjin's lungs as soon as his back made contact with the ground and he began heaving heavily, trying to find a way to bring back the oxygen.

"What the fuck are you do- wait, are you ok?" A familiar voice asked.

Hyunjin opened his eyes in a squinted pained look, unable to make out the face in front of him.


Hyunjin definitely knew this voice. 

It sounded warm and sweet to his ears, comforting as they had previously been filled with gravelly and harsh shouts. 

Even with his brain throbbing and his ears ringing, he knew immediately whom this voice belonged to when his name was uttered out of the person's lips.


"Oh my god! Hyunjin, what happened?" Seungmin asked in a panic. "Wait, don't answer that. Come with me."

Seungmin stood up and dusted the dirt away from his school uniform before holding his hand out for Hyunjin to take. 

Quickly realizing that Hyunjin was too weak to accept his hand, Seungmin, with great difficulty, pulled Hyunjin up and pulled Hyunjin's arm over his shoulder.

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